View Full Version : Hot flushes and adrenaline!

09-02-17, 18:03
Ages since I posted on here! Hi all, hope everyone is doing ok!

So my question is about hot flushes and adrenaline..... twice recently I have got angry, for two different reasons, not overly extreme but angry enough. Both times I have found my self heating up. My face and my ears only..... hot hot! To look at and to touch. The first time is was gone in about 40 mins. This time is subsiding an hour and a half later!! I gather it's adrenaline release..... I wondered if it might also be yet another anxiety response? Shouldn't it pass more quickly than an hour and a half??

(Tho my husband caused it this time..... and he's still here 🙄. Lol. ....... and I'm rubbish at letting things go....)

Any thoughts or experiences??

09-02-17, 18:06
When I get my adrenaline surges they can last 5 minutes or a hour. Hot, prickly skin and can leave me feeling very flushed for a long while.
I would say it's anxiety but I've already asked this question today

09-02-17, 18:31
Isn't it annoying. It's 2 hours now and I'm still hot, just my skin in my face..... never had it before this last week.

I didn't see your post or I would have responded to it.

I strongly suspect its anxiety related.... really try to stay level headed about these things now. But I do worry about blood pressure... 🙄

Catherine S
09-02-17, 20:43
It's part of the 'flight or fight' mechanism and controlled by your nervous system. I guess it depends on how angry we are as to how long it takes to come down from it...you say your husband is still in the same room...lol! It's usually depicted by steam coming out of the ears in cartoons, or in the expression "it makes my blood boil". It happens to a lesser degree in say, a supermarket queue if somebody cuts in front of you. It can also happen if we're embarrassed, and then it's just called blushing :blush:

It's a normal thing so try not to worry.