View Full Version : All over aches and pains

09-02-17, 19:20
Hi All,

For over a year now, I have had a pressing sensation in my scalp/temple/head. I had a brain MRI and this did not show anything of significance. I do not worry about this symptom any more and am used to it now. However, I have read that this can be caused by anxiety.
In the last 6 months, my health anxiety has become more pronounced. I do generally feel on edge most of the time with the biggest worry my health.
For the last two months, I have had all over body aches and pains. The worst areas are hands but also shoulders and thighs. These manifest themselves as either jabbing sensations (a bit like with flu) or a burning sensation. My sister has had fibromyalgia for several years and this is always in the back of my mind. This symptom is the one that I am most fearful of. The good news is that I don’t have any significant fatigue and am able to do a brisk 20 minute walk each day. Can anxiety really cause such aches and pains all over the body?
In recent months I pretty much always feel lightheaded.
In the last two weeks I have developed jaw aches and pains.

Any comments or thoughts would be greatly appreciated about the below symptoms: (the one that most concerns me is the all over body aches and pains)

All over body aches and pains
Continuous Lightheadedness
Pressing sensation in the scalp/temple
Jaw aches and pains

09-02-17, 19:25
with the exception of scalp/temple pressure I experience every one of these every day and write off most of them to anxiety.

I say most because...well...I have HA and I worry about stuff that I shouldnt.

I have been to my Dr many times and every time I get the all clear and I find something else to freak about.

Be well

09-02-17, 22:59
jaw aches and pains could be from clenching your teeth or grinding. I clench my teeth when I sleep and I didn't even know until my dentist told me. It does sometimes create jaw pain

10-02-17, 02:55
If anxiety is causing your muscles to be tense most of the time, then yes, it could be causing these aches.
I get jaw pain too, from clenching my teeth when I'm stressed.

10-02-17, 03:42
I could write a book about aches and pains. Fibromyalgia has been brought to my attention. A few times due to another condition I was diagnosed with a few years ago (pelvic floor dysfunction) which basically just means the muscles in my pelvic area are ridiculously right and cause significant discomfort and pain if I don't keep them relaxed/stretched and don't do pressure point therapy (myofacial release) on them on a relatively consistent basis.

But I've had it all. Pain all over, fatigue and tiredness, prolonged periods of jaw pain, stinging and burning sensatios, tense muscles, pfd, scalp pain (like it hurts to touch it very lightly), etc. I posted a topic about these "co existing conditions" occurring with anxiety and how much they're related. I won't sit here and say I have fibro because I haven't been diagnosed with anything besides pfd, but I know quite a few people with fibro and every single one of them has anxiety and is either slightly or a full blown hypochondriac. Kinda makes you wonder about those mental ----> physical connections.

10-02-17, 15:03
Ever since my HA started, I've had pains all over. My hands and feet seemed to be the focus most recently, but I also get pains in my thighs, and, at the beginning, I used to get them in my shoulders, finger joints, arms, ribs, neck, jaw, you name it. Not sure what's the deal here, really or what's even "real" anymore. I've thought about fibromyalgia, but the pressure points don't do anything for me.