09-02-17, 20:01
I have major health anxiety, but I've not yet ever experienced an episode this bad.
It all started two Fridays ago, I read this scary article on a girl who died of bacterial meningitis, I have always been scared of that illness since I knew someone who nearly died from it. Anyway that Monday (last Monday) I woke up And guess what? For the first time in my life I had a stiff neck!! Stiff enough I couldn't bring my chin to my chest. So naturally I started compulsively checking and in doing so I made it get even worse :weep:
I then developed horrible nausea, and shaking so I decided to go to a walk in clinic, waited for hours and was told I most certainly did not have meningitis. He did do a quick reflex check on me etc. After seeing him I felt better for a few hours but then began thinking oh my gosh, what if (especially because his English was VERY poor) he wasn't competent and now I'm going to slowly die of meningitis!! I tried to push the thought out of my mind, but meanwhile was still waking up every morning shaking with crippling nausea. Thursday morning I was particularly nauseous and all I could choke down was an orange, but after a few bites I vomited (and since there wasn't much in my stomach it was more like dry heaving) I FREAKED and ran to the emergency room thinking this was it.
The Dr saw me and assured me with meningitis I wouldn't even be able to move my neck and all my symptoms were anxiety. Me being so stupid, I decided to read more stories from meningitis survivors and saw that many people didn't even have a stiff neck at all! Just flu like symptoms!
Fast forward to this week, I'm still waking up nauseous every morning to the point all I can eat is apple sauce, and at the beginning of the week I had a headache that didn't go away for 2 days, Tuesday night I woke up drenched in sweat, and now yesterday I seemed to develop a cough! Today my throat is starting to feel scratchy and I feel achy so I'm CONVINCED I'm a goner, the meningitis has been slowly developing over the last week and now any moment I'll become horrifically ill. I was tempted to go to the emergency room last night because I woke up shaking uncontrollably and feeling achy but my dad imsisted I calm down and not go.
I am terrified I'll chalk up my symptoms to anxiety but really it will have been caused by meningitis, I don't know how to deal with these latest symptoms, even if I'm just getting sick, I just know I'll be tortured thinking I'm slowly devolving meningitis. I've literally been paralyzed with fear for nearly 2 weeks now, I can't think about anything else, I can't eat properly, very day I feel like a new symptom pointing to Meningitis pops up:weep: Please please help me, any advice or comport would be SO appreciated.

09-02-17, 20:33
The first symptom of meningitis is an extremely high fever. Calm down I had this fear a couple of times the best thing to do is relax and stop looking for symptoms.

09-02-17, 20:44
Nivekc251, thank you for your reply, it's just so hard when your experiencing all these symptoms to be rational. I tried to tell myself I'd have high fever but I foolishly googled and many people seemed to get meningitis without a fever :weep: I wish I never heard of this illness honestly

09-02-17, 21:10
I'm really surprised you still have the anxiety after seeing two different doctors. Sounds like a wake-up call to tackle your anxiety.

09-02-17, 21:17
I've had bacterial meningitis. I was unconscious in an ambulance about an hour after falling ill. My local GP left the surgery and drove to my house when my mum described it to him over the phone to give me an antibiotic injection.

Doctors would not miss it, and you wouldn't be sat round for a fortnight wondering if you had it.

09-02-17, 21:34
I've had bacterial meningitis. I was unconscious in an ambulance about an hour after falling ill. My local GP left the surgery and drove to my house when my mum described it to him over the phone to give me an antibiotic injection.

Doctors would not miss it, and you wouldn't be sat round for a fortnight wondering if you had it.

Axolotl, thank you so much for your reply.
Can I ask you, did you have any cold like symptoms when you first fell ill? Or was it far more severe?

09-02-17, 21:37
Axolotl, thank you so much for your reply.
Can I ask you, did you have any cold like symptoms when you first fell ill? Or was it far more severe?

I'm not risking triggering you by telling you. You have the all clear from two doctors, and been ill for so long you'd be very seriously ill by now, too much to fret about it on the internet. That should be all you need to know.