View Full Version : Bruises??

09-02-17, 20:28
Hi again,
For the last two weeks i have been getting some bruises. The first one was above my ankle which frightened me, but that was probably from ice skating. Then last saturday i noticed a spot on my left hip which hurt but there was no/only a small bruise. Then yesterday i fell really hard on my right hip which made only a little bruise. Now today i was at football practice, and we had to run very fast and for long, and afterwards the tissue on the side of my knee hurt! Now it doesn't really hurt that much anymore but there is a bruise there!!! Can something in the muscles or tendons cause a bruise??? Because i'm quite scared of leukaemia! I had a normal blood test in november/december (can't remember exactly so would it have shown up on there or not yet???

Thanks for reading my story,

09-02-17, 20:43
I had the bruising worry a year or two ago. Most were around the size of a fingertip and I had about 13 bruises when I went to the doctor (all on my legs, I'm pretty much inactive all the time, other than walking and not a clumsy person either so I must just bruise easy). I was told leukemia doesn't present in this way but was sent for a blood test (probably for peace of mind) and it was normal.

I've always got bruises on my legs and the odd one on my arm. 9/10 of them are the size of a fingertip as though somebody pressed their finger onto my leg.

I wouldn't worry. If the bruising was something sinister there'd be no doubting it.

09-02-17, 20:46
I had the bruising worry a year or two ago. Most were around the size of a fingertip and I had about 13 bruises when I went to the doctor (all on my legs, I'm pretty much inactive all the time, other than walking and not a clumsy person either so I must just bruise easy). I was told leukemia doesn't present in this way but was sent for a blood test (probably for peace of mind) and it was normal.

I've always got bruises on my legs and the odd one on my arm. 9/10 of them are the size of a fingertip as though somebody pressed their finger onto my leg.

I wouldn't worry. If the bruising was something sinister there'd be no doubting it.

Thank you, they aren't even very dark just a little colored

Catherine S
09-02-17, 21:19
I get loads of bruises and always have done and i'm in my 60s now, they've never been because of anything sinister. Some of my bruises can be explained...usually appearing shortly after saying Oww Wtf! But many are unexplained. Apparently people with thinner skin can see them more because the small capillaries that cause them are nearer to the surface...or some such thing.


09-02-17, 21:28
I get loads of bruises and always have done and i'm in my 60s now, they've never been because of anything sinister. Some of my bruises can be explained...usually appearing shortly after saying Oww Wtf! But many are unexplained. Apparently people with thinner skin can see them more because the small capillaries that cause them are nearer to the surface...or some such thing.


That would probably make sense with me as I'm sure my skin is almost see through! I am so veiny and have many, many spider veins.

09-02-17, 21:29
I get loads of bruises and always have done and i'm in my 60s now, they've never been because of anything sinister. Some of my bruises can be explained...usually appearing shortly after saying Oww Wtf! But many are unexplained. Apparently people with thinner skin can see them more because the small capillaries that cause them are nearer to the surface...or some such thing.

Thank you soo much!!
I do think that i have thinner skin because i can see them capillaries a bit when i take a shower! I see the lines running below my skin.

But again thank you!!!