View Full Version : Why is my anxiety just randomly hanging around right now?

09-02-17, 20:34
So, these past few days my anxiety has just been present. I've just felt nervous, unsettled. Like I usually have when my anxiety gets bad, I wake up with this dread in my chest and I wake up extremely nauseated.

A few days ago I was nervous about something, but I got that worry resolved and now I'm not that worried about it. But yet the anxiety persists. Nothing is happening to trigger it right now, so I don't understand why this is happening. Is this normal? Is it normal for it to just be there, present, hanging around. Being an unwanted guest.

09-02-17, 20:38
Yes, I call them little blips and hope they will go again soon. The same is happening to me at the moment :(

09-02-17, 21:13
Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Positive thoughts

09-02-17, 21:46
Fishmanpa do you think the coals ever truly go out? Or are our nerves forever sensitised? Im 9 months on from a crisis, I havent had a major set back in nearly four months but I still notice if I watch emotional programs I get these all over body shivers ( not in a panicky way ) and if I feel startled I get tingling flashes in my hands, I never did before my crisis.

Haruka, if I have a panic attack I get anxiety at a lower level for several days later, I get low level palps, restless sleep and nausea. It goes after a few days.

09-02-17, 21:59
Fishmanpa do you think the coals ever truly go out? Or are our nerves forever sensitised?

I think with work and maintenance (therapy and/or meds), yes, the coals eventually do go out. and with continued work and maintenance, should another fire erupt, you'll have the tools at your disposal to put out the flames much quicker.

Positive thoughts

10-02-17, 02:48
So, these past few days my anxiety has just been present. I've just felt nervous, unsettled. Like I usually have when my anxiety gets bad, I wake up with this dread in my chest and I wake up extremely nauseated.

A few days ago I was nervous about something, but I got that worry resolved and now I'm not that worried about it. But yet the anxiety persists. Nothing is happening to trigger it right now, so I don't understand why this is happening. Is this normal? Is it normal for it to just be there, present, hanging around. Being an unwanted guest.

When this happens, I almost feel like it's a chemical in my body causing me to be anxious, rather than any outside source or reason.
Then my brain tries to figure out why my body is sending these panic signals, and I cast about looking for a reason that makes sense until my brain finally latches onto something, some new worry or health anxiety.
It is quite miserable having this disorder. :weep: