View Full Version : Cervical cancer worries :(

09-02-17, 23:46
Hello guys,

I've had odd period symptoms for the last two months (December and January).

I'm not on the pill. In December I had the worst period ever. It was pretty moderate bleeding but the cramps were horrible. It came around the 10th and lasted its usual 5 days.

Exactly two weeks after my period in December ended, I bled for one day. I put it down to it being ovulation as I sometimes bleed during that. However, this blood was a little heavy for ovulation but it barely filled a pad. It stopped after the day and then a week after I woke up with some blood on my pj pants, however nothing else after that in December.

At the beginning of January I was under the most stress and I was feeling very depressed because of my relationship with my boyfriend. I struggled with my depression and anxiety, that I wasn't surprised to see my period a week late. During the week that my period was supposed to be there, my boyfriend and I had sex and I bled after sex. I noticed tho that at times if you have sex when your period is late that it can make it start which has happened to me before. But this bleeding only lasted one day. My period finally came around the 20th but I had very light bleeding for around 4 days, on the 5th day I started getting moderate bleeding that lasted 3 more days, and then for about two weeks I had constant light bleeding (this has never happened to me before). So light that it barely filled a liner. That bleeding stopped two days ago, but today I felt a lot of discharge while I was out and when I finally got to the washroom I saw blood and some clots as well.

I'm so afraid this is cancer. I haven't been to a doctor yet cause I thought maybe my hormones are just way off considering I was struggling with my anxiety and depression very bad at the beginning of the month.

I don't know what to do :( I can't stop googling these symptoms...

10-02-17, 00:06
I think it would be a good idea to schedule an appointment.
There are many things that could be causing this, most of them benign and treatable. But nobody here can say for sure what is going on.
I hope you see a doctor soon, and I hope they are able to figure out what the problem is and fix it, so that you don't have to live with this fear.

Best wishes.

10-02-17, 02:57
When was the last time you had a pap test?

10-02-17, 14:52
I would go see a doctor as any change should generally be checked out. Keep in mind though that depression and anxiety can really mess with hormones that can mess with your cycle.