View Full Version : Getting nosebleeds for the first time as an adult. Anyone else? Very frightened.

10-02-17, 11:24
Hi everyone,

So, for the past six weeks I have been getting nosebleeds. I'm 32, otherwise healthy and have never had them before in my life. The first two were more of a blood trickle down the back of the throat (less out the nose) and I was pretty sick at the time with flu. It completely freaked me out so I went to the doctor and she assured me it was probably due to the virus. I then had a 'typical' front nosebleed a few days later; proper bleeding for 20 - 30 mins, produced disgusting clots (sorry) and everything. Very frightening but was just relieved it stopped on its own (eventually) and I tried to put it down to the virus.

Since then, I've had two more even though I'm not sick anymore. Both times I can kind of reason why it happened, for example, yesterday I had the electric heater on in my tiny office and I definitely overheated a little (so dried out my nose). When I got home and blew my nose it started, again for 20 - 30 mins but had the whole blood in the throat thing as well towards the end and clots etc. Totally terrified me.

I'm lucky in that I have health insurance so I'm going to get a referral to an ENT specialist so they can check it out, but I'm just so frightened as I've never had this before - why now in my life?? I keep thinking about tumours (of course - don't we all) or I'm worried that the next one just won't stop and I'll have a massive hemorrhage.

Has anyone else had a sudden start of nosebleeds as an adult?
Has anyone had them successfully treated?

I hate being a nervous wreck all over again - I thought I was doing so well with my anxiety :weep:

Thanks for listening

10-02-17, 12:06
Its sensible to get it checked out but that does not mean they are being caused by anything nasty either.
Firstly how is your blood pressure?? I know at least 2 people who would get a nose bleed when their blood pressure was high and it was the bodies safety mechanism working but they were older than you. Once their bp was stable the bleeds stopped.
I used to work with a man who got awful nose bleeds out of the blue and they never found a cause and he had had them all his life. Felt sorry for him as it would suddenly just gush over his desk:scared15:
IF a nose bleed lasts longer than 30 mins then in uk you are advised to call an ambulance or go to hospital due to the amount of blood lost that can mae you faint etc and they can stop the bleeding by packing your nose. This is an emergency measure for blood loss.

10-02-17, 13:02
My son has had those nose bleeds with
clots.. ugh.
Dr said what gets it going is dry air or virus. Once you get a nose bleed it takes a good couple weeks for the vessel to heal... until then, it will open back up very easily, then you're back to square one.

Our drs recommendation is to take a qtip, put some vaseline on it, rub on the lower part of your nostril before bed.

The warmth of your skin will soften it and drive it up the nostril.

It keeps the area soft and helps stop it from recracking and bleeding.

10-02-17, 19:57
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me. You have both reassured me. I do think it was to do with the dry air yesterday and I have since started using Vaseline in my nose today.

I just can't understand why it's happening now in my life? Good point though about it taking time to heal. I worked out it has been about 2.5 weeks from my last one.

I guess I'll just have to wait to see what the doctor says. I just hate the way it looks so frightening when it's bleeding!! It really sets me off! :scared15:

Thanks again xx

10-02-17, 20:35
I hate to be a bit of a doom merchant but please be careful with vaseline in your nose. There have been cases of people who have used alot of vaseline over a period of time who have developed a specific type of pneumonia as the vaseline can be inhaled up the nose and down into lungs. Its rare for it to happen and if you only use tiny amount that is rubbed well in at the entrance to your nose all should be fine but would hate anyone to shove loads up their nose and I kept quiet about the risk.

I know there will be loads of people who say " I have put vaseline up my nose for years and I am ok" and this is perfectly true but it genuinly is a risk although as I said rare to happen.

10-02-17, 20:37
I had a terrible cold over the winter and since then I've had a small amount of blood when I blow my nose. It's because I injured it when I had the bad cold. It's not happened to me since I was a kid. It's now mostly healed up. It sounds like you've got a slightly bigger cut and it just keeps opening up again when it dries out.

As CountryGirl says, it's a good idea to go to the docs, just to be sure, but I'm sure it's just down to your cold.

11-02-17, 13:59
Guess who got a nosebleed this morning. .. ugh!!

I thought of you right away.

Yuck.. been a long time since I had one. Blew my nose after getting out of the shower and the tissue was full of blood. Kind of startling.

11-02-17, 18:51
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope it didn't last too long?

Ha ha that's funny that you thought of me! :blush:

I hope you're ok now xx

11-02-17, 18:55
I get nosebleeds during pregnancy; the doctor said something about capillaries being dilated or something, I can't remember.
It is winter, a time when we run the heater indoors a lot, and that can dry out your sinuses.
I wouldn't worry overmuch about it.
What sinister causes could it have?
it's winter. Dry air, sinus drainage, etc... will cause nosebleeds.
Best of luck.

11-02-17, 19:02
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope it didn't last too long?

Ha ha that's funny that you thought of me! :blush:

I hope you're ok now xx

Thank you, seems ok.. I was heading to work this morning wondering if it would start up again, thankfully it didn't.

Got to take my own advice though right? Dry air, slight cold virus, it takes a good couple weeks to heal and can start up again easily. :yesyes:

Hope you are doing well today :-)