View Full Version : Orgasm panic attack

10-02-17, 12:48
This question is more for the guys but I'm sure the women can answer too. Basically I rarely feel that relaxed sleepy vibe you're supposed to get after orgasm, most of the time I feel on edge and alert. Last night when I finished it actually led me into a full blown panic attack. Has anyone else had an orgasm do this??


13-02-17, 01:30
I can't be of too much help as I'm female but my partner is always hyped afterwards and doesn't feel tired at all (from what he's told me). So it's possible that everyone has a different effect from it I guess. He doesn't suffer from panic or anything so I suppose he wouldn't get a panic attack as such but he told me t wakes him and gives him more energy

Clydesdale Epona
13-02-17, 01:41
I did read somewhere that having anxiety can make that happen(because its similar to a burst of adrenaline) i can't speak from any personal experiences myself though as i'm asexual x

13-02-17, 05:01

It's about your subconscious seeing similiar symptoms and starting that panic cycle off and consciously you feel it all and panic because of that similarity.

I used to have the same with any excitement and exercise. It can feel like it goes too far and becomes panic.

If things are very vigorous, maybe slowing down a little could help with the breathing? Ultimately though it's about not letting it stop you as avoidance will make it a bigger issue to conquer, stopping your panic thoughts and being more accepting that what you are feeling is normal. Practice helps through exposure.

13-02-17, 06:20
I'm female,but I believe I can reply to your question as orgasms tend to make me feel more awake and alert as well as more energised. I suppose the rise in the adrenaline levels could lead to panic.