View Full Version : Please read..just diagnosed health anxiery.. Is this really just in my head

10-02-17, 17:40
Hi,well sept 2015 I developed lump behind nipple then nov followed periductal mastitis I googled and saw inflammatory breast cancer, I immediately thought this is what I had as antibiotics was not working eventually they did after 4 diff ones I developed an enlarged lymph Nide under arm its about 2 cm moveable I have had recurrent breast infection maybe 5 in total same place each adding to my worry that I am right its cancer I have had 5 breast scans 2 lots of bloods taken an finally got a needle biopsy in December which came back showing inflammatory changes, however I don't believe what I'm being told by 4 different GPS 2 different hospitals and 3 different breast surgeons, I have been back and forth to the docs with other symptoms as I was getting tingling in my arms back pain and now this weird sensation as though someone is injecting cold right thru my back, an on Monday my doc said that this is all due to anxiety..like really is this in my head I really want to no I'm not going to die as each week goes on I think its another week I've been mid diagnosed the lymph node is still swollen infact I have small ones down the side of my neck and I have 1 swollen on the opposite side under my arm this is killing me its ruining my life I'm tired all the time I can't concentrate I hate it I have 3 wonderful children an I can't even enjoy them I walked out my daughters natavity coz I couldn't hide the tears coz I thought this was the last one I'll see.
I'm desperate to hear an outsiders view
Thanks Hayley x

10-02-17, 18:02
Hi,well sept 2015 I developed lump behind nipple then nov followed periductal mastitis I googled and saw inflammatory breast cancer, I immediately thought this is what I had as antibiotics was not working eventually they did after 4 diff ones I developed an enlarged lymph Nide under arm its about 2 cm moveable I have had recurrent breast infection maybe 5 in total same place each adding to my worry that I am right its cancer I have had 5 breast scans 2 lots of bloods taken an finally got a needle biopsy in December which came back showing inflammatory changes, however I don't believe what I'm being told by 4 different GPS 2 different hospitals and 3 different breast surgeons, I have been back and forth to the docs with other symptoms as I was getting tingling in my arms back pain and now this weird sensation as though someone is injecting cold right thru my back, an on Monday my doc said that this is all due to anxiety..like really is this in my head I really want to no I'm not going to die as each week goes on I think its another week I've been mid diagnosed the lymph node is still swollen infact I have small ones down the side of my neck and I have 1 swollen on the opposite side under my arm this is killing me its ruining my life I'm tired all the time I can't concentrate I hate it I have 3 wonderful children an I can't even enjoy them I walked out my daughters natavity coz I couldn't hide the tears coz I thought this was the last one I'll see.
I'm desperate to hear an outsiders view
Thanks Hayley x

HA is a terrible thing. It can immatate any disease or illness you're focused on..I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me. For example once I thought I had tetanus, I got every symptom I read about , lockjaw, sensitivity to lights, twitching muscles etc. Of course I didn't actually have tetnus but HA truly fooled me. I also have instances where I go to multiple Drs and believe I'll be that one case you read about, misdiagnosed and doomed, but chances are after multiple Dr visits, they would have known if something's wrong. I feel your pain, I know how it is thinking this is the last holiday I'll see and things like that, but trust me anxiety is a powerful thing. I'm sure you're fine, and if you ever need to talk, I'm here :hugs:

10-02-17, 18:12
I don't believe what I'm being told by 4 different GPS 2 different hospitals and 3 different breast surgeons,

I'm desperate to hear an outsiders view

Im pretty proud of my smarts, but I think the Drs views can and should outweigh anything you could find here.

Give yourself a break and be well.

10-02-17, 18:33
Thankyou for your replies, I just can't get my head round that my mind could create such things! My doc had started me in 50mg of sertaline have to go next week for the dose to be upped I don't think there helping at the minute as I still feel the same, just read all these stories people being misdiagnosed and cancer affecting anybody at any age...I just want to be me again before all this started

10-02-17, 23:37
In how many of those cases was the individual seen by a breast surgeon and had undergone a needle biopsy?

11-02-17, 11:39
I no not many would have, however I don't no how to stop feeling like this