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View Full Version : citalopram (again)

24-10-04, 13:18
Still got a constant headache, i am off my food, although i still have the panicky feelings they dont seem so severe although they are always with me, my cold is a lot better now so thats helping me not to feel so tight around my chest which im sure is releiving the attacks and being less frequent which has to be a good thing, i just feel so tired all the time ive been taking these tabs for 3 days now. Surely they arent affecting me just yet????

Love Sarah-Jane xxxx

24-10-04, 13:20
oh and im experiencing shaking as well like in my legs.....

Love Sarah-Jane xxxx

24-10-04, 13:30
Hi Sarah, all the symptoms your experiencing are due to your illness and the side effects of your new medication. Stick with it and it'll soon pass Tara xx

24-10-04, 14:08
hi Sarah-Jane,

I am on Cipralex, the new version of Citalopram. I had very bad headaches and was very tired for about the first week or more of taking them. They will soon pass so don't worry about them. If you stick with them, they will be worth it in the end!!

Sarah :D

29-01-05, 12:04
Hi Sarah Jane,

Are you still taking citalopram? Just wondered how you're getting on with them, coz I've just took my first tablet this morning and I'm very anxious about it.
Wondered if you had any reassuring advice for me?!!:D


29-01-05, 18:30
hi Sarah-Jane,

How's it going? Hope you're feeling a little better!!

Sarah :D

10-02-05, 16:54
Hi Sarah-Jane.

I was recently put on Escitalopram and the first 4 days were hell. I had similar symptoms to yours minus the shaking legs - I did have shaking hands though.

I've got a post on this page which I'm going to add to today if you want to look deeper into my experience with it.

I was determined to stop taking them but my doctor talked me out of it. Curiously the next day the effects started to subside. I had to increase the dosage from 5 to 10 mg and that made the tiredness and dopiness come back but not as bad as before. I've been taking them every day for about 3 weeks now and practically all the side effects have gone.

So it's true what the doctors say - the bad effects do disappear completely. I'm sure this happens in most but not all cases, so see how you go and keep talking it over with your physician.

10-02-05, 16:56
Whoops, I see this was posted a while ago

I'm sure you could tell me a thing or two about the medication if you've been taking it since then :)

11-04-05, 09:18
So sorry i havent been in the message forum for a while now, just to update you all ive been trying different things to try and battle the panic attacks and anxiety. Listening to relaxation cd etc talking has really helped as well as breathing tequniques etc etc. ive been really bad at times as you all know to a point where i thought my life would never get better again. but im pleased to say although i still get panic its not nearly as frequently as it used to be, i just have the ocassional blip now where i have a few bad days but am pleased that now i dont wake up with panic being the first thing on my mind anymore which is fabulous for me. i still believe that once a panic suffer it will always be lurking somewhere in our lives but i promise it does get better and the bad days outweigh the bad its taken me a long time to realise and believe but its true.i was on the meds but was too scared to persist with them. Dont get me wrong i still feeel pretty down at times but im working to fix that too good luck to all newcomers on this site and loads of love and support to my friends here xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Love Sarah-Jane xxxx

11-04-05, 16:23
This is great news Sarah Jane.

Keep going with the self help solutions and well done


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Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

11-04-05, 16:47
That is good news Sarah-Jane - learning how to deal with the anxiety really is the key..:D