View Full Version : Yellow spots On Roof Of Mouth! Oral Thrush?

10-02-17, 18:34
I met a woman and made out with her at a bar. I got a real bad sore throat and cold that has been lingering for 2 weeks now almost. I looked at the roof of my mouth and noticed these yellow "yeasty" looking bumps. Is this oral thrush? If so....should I be worried something is wrong with my immune system? Or can this happen from time to time and be normal? Thanks

11-02-17, 00:11
If it gets worse I'd see a doctor just to get some antibiotics in case it's a bacterial infection. It doesn't sound like anything sinister just a kissing bug. I got mono once from doing that and it was horrible lol. Stop kissing random women you meet in bars !:lac: lol

Catherine S
11-02-17, 01:06
I'm still working out how you can see the roof of your mouth :shrug:


11-02-17, 01:34
lol my thought too

11-02-17, 05:55
I met a woman and made out with her at a bar. I got a real bad sore throat and cold that has been lingering for 2 weeks now almost. I looked at the roof of my mouth and noticed these yellow "yeasty" looking bumps. Is this oral thrush? If so....should I be worried something is wrong with my immune system? Or can this happen from time to time and be normal? Thanks

It could be strep throat, if the yellow spots are on or near your tonsils.

29-03-17, 09:38
It's the symptom of oral thrush (https://homeremedies.info/oral-thrush/).
"It can expand into the roof of the gums, tonsils, mouth and even back of the throat and thus, displaying the very first symptoms such as creamy white lesions, redness or even bleeding.
According to a recent research, oral thrush is communicable, which means that it can be infectious and passed from one person to another. Newborns can possibly have thrush during birth and children can suffer from it as sharing toys with other children. And even adults can bring it back through the saliva.
Generally, antifungal creams and medications can only cure the symptoms but not deal with the environment allowing candida to develop.

The symptom of this infection can be easily observed as there are wounds with creamy-white color slowly appearing and the position is often on the tongue and the inner side of your cheeks and lips. If the infection is not stopped promptly, it will spread throughout the whole inner side of your mouth and even down to the back of your throat."

There are some simple tips to treat oral thrush like yogurt, gargling warm salt water, coconut oil,... which you can find them in the article above :)