View Full Version : Cipralex plus Mirtazipine

10-02-17, 20:36
So the Doctor put me on this combo. It makes no sense to me why. I have read of others being on this combo but I am still hesistant. Anyone else on this combo, or on and ssri and Mirtazipine? :huh:

10-02-17, 22:53
So the Doctor put me on this combo. It makes no sense to me why. I have read of others being on this combo but I am still hesistant. Anyone else on this combo, or on and ssri and Mirtazipine? :huh:

You will need to ask, him/her. The mirtazapine might be to help you sleep. Or it could be to keep you slightly sedated in the expectation it may ease side-effects, though it probably won't.

10-02-17, 23:19
My younger brother passed away last week and now my mother is not well and I am continuing to have problems with sleep which is effecting me during the day and being able to cope. SO I think he is just trying things out to see what helps. I mentioned trazadone today and he wants to wait until I get the results from a sleep test I did this week for sleep apnea before he makes any changes. I see the Doctor again next week Friday so hopefully then will find the right medication. I am holding on by a thread at the moment with all that is going on.

10-02-17, 23:58
My condolences on your loss, and best wishes for your mother, Greg. :weep: