View Full Version : Eyelash in my eye

Clydesdale Epona
10-02-17, 22:31
So about 5-10 minutes ago my partner confirmed my worst fear that i had an eyelash in the right corner of my right eye, i did a swift finger motion and i think i got it out but the corner is sore and feels like its still in there, my partner said they can't see anything and that i should just leave it and go to sleep but i'm too worried to, is it safe to leave? i don't want to go blind or something but at the same time i want to go to sleep because i have work tomorrow :weep: x

Catherine S
10-02-17, 22:43
You'd rather not go blind, but need your sleep lol! What are you like? You do make me smile. But I know it's not funny to you. Even if you didn't get it out that time, it will either be down the bottom of your lower eyelid, or up under the top eyelid, it absolutely won't go behind your eye or anything if you're worried about that. If you wear contacts you'll know this anyway. Eyelashes in the eye can be really painful but i've never heard of this resulting in anybody going blind. Go to sleep. Sweet dreams.

ISB ☺ x

10-02-17, 22:49
Examine the corners of your eyes in mirror (lift the eyelid and everything) and if you don't see anything, forget about it and go to bed. If the eyelash is still there it'll naturally float to the center of your eye in the morning and you can get rid of it then :)

I have chronic eye issues and have never heard of anyone going blind because of an eyelash haha. Absolute worst case scenario your eye will be irritated for a bit, and then it'll go away.

Clydesdale Epona
10-02-17, 23:04
Thank you both!
i'm glad i make you smile ISB, Karen is being a right pain tonight :roflmao:
i have a fun mixture of high anxiety and clumsiness
i just left my eyelash anxiety behind and now i just punched my pinky off my laptop and now i've switched to being worried it's broken :roflmao:

Catherine S
10-02-17, 23:28
I remember somebody asking you on your previous broken bones threads, why you thought your bones were so delicate, that something as simple as knocking your limbs only slightly would result in breaking a them. I wish I could remember who it was and what he said exactly, because it made complete sense. We are made of stronger stuff than just 'catching and knocking' our joints.

Go to sleep :lac:

ISB ☺ x

Clydesdale Epona
11-02-17, 00:30
I will don't worry, i've been pretty good with it lately but had a scare with my dad and have a hospital test coming up which i presume hasn't helped add to it x

Catherine S
11-02-17, 00:33
Oh, I hope all is well with your dad Aiden xx

Clydesdale Epona
11-02-17, 02:28
Oh, I hope all is well with your dad Aiden xx

To cut a long story short he left home in September because of his alcohol issues and tends to my blame my mum and me for kicking him out even though he left himself and we were willing to help him into rehab, he was staying in his flat at the hospital but we weren't sure because he lies often, anyway.
On Monday the police knocked and told us someone reported him missing, I usually see him around but I hadn't for a while so anxiety I went crazy thinking "okay this is finally it he's dead like I thought he would" the police told us they found him safely which is a relief, but honestly I'm just so angry and what he's doing x

Catherine S
11-02-17, 02:50
Good grief (that's posh for feck sake) no wonder you're stressed. Sorry you're going through that Aiden and hope things improve although I know it doesn't sound too hopeful. I don't do many hugs..I'm not very huggy as you might have noticed, but sending you one :hugs:

ISB x x

Clydesdale Epona
11-02-17, 03:04
Aw thank you ISB it is much appreciated :hugs:

11-02-17, 05:29
They often feel like they are still in there. It's just a bit of soreness though.

Eyelashes are Mother Nature's greatest failing. Why put something so sharp, that has a tendency to fall out a lot, so close to such a sensitive place.

I guess evolution still has some steps for us? :winks: