View Full Version : I have an ear infection and I'm having a panic attack about it. Please help!

11-02-17, 05:18
I have severe health anxiety and just my luck! I went to the doctor today due to ear discomfort and apparently I am developing an ear infection. The way the doctor looked into my ear and dramatically said, "Oh my God! You have an ear infection!" really freaked me out! She said it was nothing to worry about and that with 10 days of strong antibiotics it should go away. But instead of rejoicing that it is nothing serious, I am having a major panic attack! I can't help but to think that the infection might travel to my brain or I will have an allergic reaction to the very strong antibiotics? I have never had an adverse reaction to any medication before but my Health anxiety/OCD is not helping me at all. I am freaking out over taking the antibiotics and freaking out that if I don't take it I will get meningitis or something. Please help! Has anyone else freaked out about an ear infection? I just need some reassurance. Thanks!

11-02-17, 05:43

You will be fine! I had the same thing. Actually I had an ear and sinus infection and when I got the antibiotics I was a bit afraid of side effects. However, instead of anything sinister happening I was in much less pain in a matter of hours and felt better within a couple days. Get some probiotics to put the good bacteria in your system while taking the antibiotics. You will be fine! My nephew had a few ear infections and he was fine on antibiotics and he weighs like 40 pounds. They are really common. Hope this helped. Hope you feel better!

11-02-17, 05:44
The last ear infection I had (about six years ago) my eardrum actually ruptured before i could see a doctor about the pain. I had an appointment scheduled for in the morning, but during the night my eardrum ruptured and when I woke up the pain was gone, but my head was stuck to my pillow with all the blood and pus that had come out of my ear during the night.
it was awful.
I started googling (bad idea) and decided that I was now at risk for a fatal brain infection or some such crap; can't even remember now, but I got extremely worked up about whatever it was i read.
I went to the emergency room and they basically told me, yeah, your eardrum is ruptured, that happens sometimes with an untreated ear infection.
They gave me some antibiotics, but told me I might have permanent hearing loss in that ear.
Long story short, I took the antibiotics, I was fine, I did not experience any hearing loss, My eardrum healed, I guess. No lasting problems.

Ear infections are common. And in the pre-antibiotics days (which, if you think about it, was anytime before WW2) ruptured eardrums were common as well. And, I suppose, hearing loss due to infections was more common than it is today.
But you know what wasn't common? People dying of ear infections.
It wasn't common then, and is unheard of today.
You are tougher than you think. All will be well.

Best wishes.

11-02-17, 05:46
Thanks for the reply! The antibiotics I am taking is called amoxicillin clavulanate. They said it's really strong and that gave me a scare.

11-02-17, 05:51
Thanks for the reply! The antibiotics I am taking is called amoxicillin clavulanate. They said it's really strong and that gave me a scare.

I dont know about the "clavulanate" part, but I've taken amoxicillin hundreds of times; it's not "really strong", it's an inexpensive first-line antibiotic (which means it's really weak; the first-line antibiotics are the weak ones. They hold the really strong ones in reserve, in case the first-line ones don't work).
If you're not allergic to penicillin, you should be fine with amoxicillin.
Worst case scenario, it simply wouldn't work, and they'd have to give you something stronger.

11-02-17, 06:00
Is 15 milliliters of antibiotics a lot?

11-02-17, 06:03
Is 15 milliliters of antibiotics a lot?

I have no idea.
Whenever I am prescribed amoxicillin, it's usually either for seven or ten days, three times a day.
The pills are usually pink and purplish-blue capsules.
Sound like what you're taking?

11-02-17, 06:10
Well, I can't swallow pills so this is liquid and 15 milliliters seemed like a lot when I took it. But the doctor prescribes 15 mL so I guess it's Ok...