View Full Version : Weight loss influenza and sinus infection

11-02-17, 13:13
So I'm freaked out. I tested positive for influenza on Tuesday and I have a horrible sinus infection. I'm on antibiotics. It's been a crappy week. My son has it too. I have been drinking lots of water but not eating much. But today I weighed myself and I have lost 4 lbs since Tuesday. I lost 1.5 lbs since yesterday. Granted, all I ate yesterday was a small bowl of cereal, a yogurt, a banana with some peanut butter, and a small piece of salmon. The day before I ate like that too. I just haven't had an appetite at all. I have definitely been eating less than i normally eat.

Is this concerning? I'm scared because I was in the ER on Wednesday (had a panic attack) and they checked my blood and said that my white count was a little lower than normal (normal is 4.5 mine was 4.2) and the doctor said it's from the flu virus. But of course I'm like, what if I am dying and don't know it and now I'm losing weight? I had a night sweat last night even though my fever is gone.

My heart is racing and I'm freaked out. Not a good way to wake up. I don't know why I lost 4 lbs. thoughts?

11-02-17, 13:51
I imagine some of that would be water weight. Whilst I know you've lost 4 lbs since Tuesday, but your weight can fluctuate even in the same day due to water weight and the 1.5lbs since yesterday could be a typical fluctuation.

I'm not sure if it's true but I read that increasing water can help with weight loss as it actually helps lose water retention. Plus you are eating less so I don't think a 4lb weight loss is significant.

Having a virus can definitely up the anxiety. I'm sure you'll be better in no time