View Full Version : Naps. ...

11-02-17, 18:28
One of the reasons I hate falling asleep is the fact I wake up feeling terrible... does this Happen to anyone else???

I felt really tired earlier, so I fell asleep on the sofa whilst my husband watched football, anyway he woke me up 3 hours later and i just feel crappy, like sort of panicky and just few weird. Blah

11-02-17, 18:33
It's called sleep inertia. I hate it because I nap when I feel groggy or sleepy. Then I wake up feeling worse lol. I usually never nap just because of this. I just stick it out until bed time and get some awesome sleep

11-02-17, 19:16
I was very tired this morning and lounged but couldnt fall back to sleep and now I feel kinda in limbo, which of course triggers the HA that there is something wrong.

I get little pangs of not really pain of discomfort but just odd feelings in my abdomen. Doesnt help that this is my Sunday and my work week starts again tommorow and I hate my job with the power of 1000 suns.

Naps usually CURE this feeling for me (except the job part)

Today just sucks in general for me....

Chris 614
12-02-17, 09:28
I'm the opposite. I really like naps...when I am not anxious anyway. When I am anxious and then sleep, I wake up waiting to feel anxious again. And guess what? The anxiety always creeps back. When I am not anxious a nap is rejuvenating.