View Full Version : Cold virus

11-02-17, 19:07
I started to get the cold last Monday. It came on quite fast. By afternoon I was exhausted and felt awful. Since then it's just hanging around. Nose is blocked and I'm coughing up flem! Everyday it's still there and not moving at all!

So now I'm worried it's pneumonia or something! My bones hurt too which I'm scared is actually bone cancer.

11-02-17, 20:27
It takes 7 days to catch a cold, 7 days to have it and 7 days to get rid of it. An old saying but it holds true. From start to finish, you typically feel like poo for close to 3 weeks.

Positive thoughts and a box of tissues.

12-02-17, 10:28
Can a virus cause bone pain

12-02-17, 12:31
A cold can make you feel like you were hit by a bus!

Positive thoughts and some ibuprofen

13-02-17, 18:06

Still feeling awful and today I have a sore stomach feels all achy like something is not agreeing and nausea! Feel like I'm falling apart.. :weep:

13-02-17, 18:09
Could it be flu? We've all been ill for over a week with I assume is flu, sounds very like your symptoms.

13-02-17, 18:11
You got a nasty cold! No need to worry, but I hope you feel better soon! It can really make you feel like garbage for a while.. Lots of rest and fluids!

13-02-17, 19:32
I had a cold virus last month which lasted well over two weeks. I didn't even leave the house for 10 days because I felt so rotten. I never thought I was going to get better and imagined all sorts of things were wrong with me. It did eventually go and I am virus free now 😊 I hope you too are feeling better soon.