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View Full Version : yep right sided pain again

Clydesdale Epona
11-02-17, 19:18
So I got up to go downstairs and out of nowhere my whole right side of my abdomen(mostly upper and over to the left) started hurting like a stitch, its off and on and hurts when I move or breath, its really rather painful and I've instantly got in my mind that it's appendicitis, I'm so terrified now and just picturing me dying :weep:

12-02-17, 09:51
I've been getting this a lot! I was even refered a few weeks back to the surgical team as a suspected appendix but it was nothing. Do the jump test! If you hop on your right leg and can do it, it means there isn't a appendix as you won't be able too, appendix is very painful.

I still get pain now and then and it's a cramp pain too that shoots on that side. I think it's a muscle as the appendix is almost hidden there is other thing on top of it apparently like muscle bowel etc.

Try not too worry! Easier said then done I know! It maybe a pulled muscle.

Clydesdale Epona
12-02-17, 10:57
Thanks for the reassurance! its still kinda there this morning but it hasn't gotten worse so I'm fairly certain I'm in the clear x

12-02-17, 14:13
Thats good too hear. It will be okay I'm sure :)