View Full Version : On the verge of Panic Attack all day

11-02-17, 20:50
.....I have been edging all day. Not sure what makes today so special but I woke up edgy and it has only seemed to have escalated all day.

I have considered the ER several times and for some reason I am preoccupied with the notion that I have some kind of abdominal cancer lately. I know its not rational and I am reminding myself that my annual check up 3 weeks ago would have indicated something.

But I would never go to the ER either because Im also terrified of hospitals and just know they will find something awful and want to perform some surgery that I am also completely terrified of.

This is all so tiring, so fold that in to everything else and I am battling with this being my end days and that I am tiring because my life force is waning.

Typing this all out really points out how ridiculous it sounds but yet it sticks in my head, I start CBT in a couple week but anything anyone can offer until then would be greatly appreciated.

11-02-17, 21:35
Glad you're starting CBT soon, bud. That'll go a long way into reshaping the thought patterns that are fueling your health anxiety. If you're worried about your "end days" you should also consider seeing a therapist that specializes in existential fears and mortality. They're out there and can really help. Ask your CBT specialist for referrals; therapists are well-connected and great at collaborating to provide holistic service.

Baseline anxiety will fluctuate day-to-day so you're probably in the middle of a day where it's higher than usual. Regular exercise, a good diet, and hydration will help reduce these fluctuations.

I'm from a medical family and I guarantee you that medical professionals, in the ER or otherwise, are absolutely averse to doling out operations that aren't necessary. No self-respecting surgeon would put him/herself at liability for a career-ending malpractice suit for no good reason. :) Hopefully that's some reassuring logic for you haha

11-02-17, 22:12
Can u take Ativan or Xanax? Then try deep breaths .

11-02-17, 22:39
I hate days like that. It happens to us all. Have u ever tried meditation? I use jason Stephenson on youtube. I'm not endorsing there are thousands. If u told me to meditate 5 years ago I would have laughed but it helps me on days like that. I use the self guided ones. You got this :)

12-02-17, 00:59
Hey there man,
Are you in crippling pain on the floor? I've come to realise if you can destract yourself with an activity and aren't doubled over the whole time then it's your brain playing tricks on you. I was convinced I had bone cancer in my arm a couple of years ago. I focused on it day and night for months, then when I went to the dr and he told me I was being a hypochondriac, suddenly my pain eased and now it's my lung I'm focused on and think it's covered in tumours. Do you excercise/eat healthy? Lately I've found walking has been magnificent in lowering my anxiety. If it's too cold over there for outdoor walks, maybe even wander the shops for an hour. Our minds are the worst, they are so tricksy.

Chris 614
12-02-17, 09:15
I don't like the edgy days. I know most people here probably experience them. It seems like when I wake up edgy my thoughts turn within and I begin to scan for something that is wrong. And I always manage to find something! Then I run with it. It's a terrible process.

You just had your annual check up...if you were ill the doctor would have found something then.

Here's something I try to remember on bad days...we have them and they pass. They ALWAYS pass. And later I will feel better. It's a roller coaster sometimes, but because you are getting help things will continue to improve. You won't always feel this way. It sucks, but if you don't add more fear to your fear it quiets down.

Hope tomorrow is better!

12-02-17, 17:30
Thank you for all the replies...

I ended up taking a 2nd Valium and that eased things up some and eventually went to bed early and the combo seems to have helped a lot.

I much prefer answering others posts than writing my own panicky ones.

Thank you again.

12-02-17, 18:19
I find that helping others with their problems seems to make me feel so much better about my own health anxiety. It's nice to know you aren't alone :)

12-02-17, 18:20
Sc, I,ve never heard it called"edging" before. Do you mean those horrible feelings of doom and desperation?. I get that a lot and when I do I find it very difficult to relax or practise mindfulness, I just don't seem to be able to do it until I,ve managed to focus my mind on an activity eg crossword, cooking etc. I think that's the way i try to let the horrible feelings pass. It sounds easier than it is tho. Best wishes

12-02-17, 18:41
Sc, I,ve never heard it called"edging" before. Do you mean those horrible feelings of doom and desperation?. I get that a lot and when I do I find it very difficult to relax or practise mindfulness, I just don't seem to be able to do it until I,ve managed to focus my mind on an activity eg crossword, cooking etc. I think that's the way i try to let the horrible feelings pass. It sounds easier than it is tho. Best wishes

Lately, I've just been putting on an episode of a good comedy on Netflix. Parks and Rec has been doing the trick for me. After about 10 minutes, it becomes impossible not to get wrapped up in the story, and I think laughing is genuinely a natural anxiety suppressant.

12-02-17, 19:38
I recently discovered 8 out of 10 cats does countdown. I find that really helps me. The combination of comedy and word/number puzzles really helps (plus one of the regular guys has OCD like me and I can't help but feel a kinship XD )

12-02-17, 20:12
Sc, I,ve never heard it called"edging" before. Do you mean those horrible feelings of doom and desperation?

I tend to have my own words for things, IE edging. For me its that critical moment in fight or flight where your faced with the decision one way or the other.

I also refer to my anxious thougths as "Chester" so when my wife asks hows things I can tell her I am 'arguing with Chester' without alarming the kids that something is wrong.

---------- Post added at 14:12 ---------- Previous post was at 13:58 ----------

I recently discovered 8 out of 10 cats does countdown. I find that really helps me. The combination of comedy and word/number puzzles really helps (plus one of the regular guys has OCD like me and I can't help but feel a kinship XD )

When I am especially stung tight I will look for ANYTHING to distract me. Ive done everything from a shower, pacing in front of my house, to burying my face in a pillow and shouting obscenities.

Anything to release some tension and pent up energy.

I dont want to pin TOO MUCH hope on CBT but I start that in about a month and I sincerely hope it arms me with the tools I so desperately need.

12-02-17, 21:19
CBT was fantastic in getting me over my panic attacks. I had such bad ones (before I knew what they were) that I thought I was dying. I was in Malia at the time for a girls holiday, and in my demented state I booked a flight home the next day and told my mum and dad I was seriously ill. It was awful. This was ten years ago.

My advice on panic attacks is don't be afraid of them. Nothing will come of it. And it will pass eventually, they can only last so long. Breathe deeply from your diaphragm not your chest. This was a big part for me. I actually felt I couldn't get air when in the midst of one. These days I just know the signs and can squash them pretty quick. My anxiety is more of an going doom feeling than panic attacks these days. Just let it wash over you. Label it as a sh*tty panic attack, that's all it is.

Hope you feel better

---------- Post added at 21:19 ---------- Previous post was at 21:18 ----------

Ongoing doom*