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miss motown
18-04-07, 23:19
i went for my smear yesterday and i must say it was dreadful the nurse was there for a while prodding around she said she was having a difficult time trying to get a swab she asked me had i ever had laser treatment i said yes around 11years ago she just looked and said mmmmmmm im goina have to get another nurse to take a look and see if she can get a smear from me as she wasnt having much joy anyway the nurse came in she prodded around for a while when she finally got wot she wanted anyway the pains im having now are dreadfull im so convinced ive got cancer and thats why they were finding it hard to get a smear im worried sick my last smear was in 2004 that was normal i did have laser years ago has anybody else had trouble were a nurse carnt get a result and had to go and get someone else.its freakin me out

19-04-07, 00:18
Im sure it will all be ok.The pain is probably due to all the prodding around,and its made you sore and very anxious.Big Hug:hugs: