View Full Version : Hey guys! New member looking for help

12-02-17, 03:59
Hey guys! I went thru an episode about 3 months ago where I woke up in the middle of the night with tingling, numbness, weakness, throat being tight, feeling faint/dizzy, urge to urinate, blurred vision. I was rushed to the ER and was told it was inner ear. Turns out the inner ear was fine. I had 2 MRI's of my brain and 1 of the cervical spine. I spent 4 days in the hospital - they had to give me Ativan daily to calm me down. The symptoms come back almost daily. Now the symptoms don't hit me every day... they switched me to klonopin. Thankfully I don't have to take it daily. I've learned to suffer through it. I still get episodes of tremors, easily frightened, throat tightness, weakness, even some kidney pain always hungry, etc

Looking back before all of this I had some tingling off and on... especially in the facial area.

Does this sound like anxiety? Does anxiety last 3 months? I am scared.

12-02-17, 04:08
Hiya Timb2 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

12-02-17, 04:23
Hi and :welcome: Timb2.

Anxiety mostly starts I would imagine with some sort of function in our body that has never been there before and is a little scary. If we brush it off (if you have that kind of personality), you wouldnt' I doubt have any more issues. However if you can't brush it off it will play on your mind and then all sorts of symptoms will start. You are in a cycle of fear and only having anxiety 3 months you can break this.

Check out cbt and all therapy that you can think of to try to change how you think about these symptoms. You can't switch off the symptoms with the click of a finger but over time with help and changing the way you think about these 'bodily functions', you can get better.

I wish somone had have told me all this when I first started getting anxious when I was young. :weep::weep: Never too late for anything though apparentely.

Good luck

12-02-17, 14:17
Hope you are doing better each day and I can remember many times getting woke up by Panic the first time was the worse wow it hammered me good and I had no clue it was panic I was on the commode and had to be picked up by 2 guys on the squad! I thought I was having a stroke but thankfully it wasn't but dang the panic sure sticks!!

Vanilla Sky
12-02-17, 22:30
Hi and welcome to NMP :)

13-02-17, 04:42
Thanks guys! Reading through has been a huge help. Definitely taking time to find the source of this. The symptoms are insanely scary. It helps to know in not alone.

Vanilla Sky
13-02-17, 23:26
Hi and welcome to NMP :)