View Full Version : Sepsis fears returned with illness

12-02-17, 04:01
I'm 20 going on 21, and have a pilonidal cyst, and this week I've gotten sick...but now I'm constantly worried that it is worse than it is. Over the last two days I've had a heavy cough, dry mouth, and runny nose. Today, though, I checked myself and found out I had a 101.5 F body temp and a rapid heart rate, around 122 BPM and 102 with my blood pressure meds. My hands are also cold, and I've got chills, but since I also got a Piloidal I've been treating myself for the past few months, I've jumped on to the Sepsis train again. My legs also feel week, too. Anyone else get like this?

12-02-17, 12:33
I think it would be wise to see a doctor. Not because I think you have sepsis but because you're running a fever. The cyst may need to be cut open and drained by a doctor. You could also have a respiratory infection which also may be the cause of the fever, since you've mentioned a heavy cough, etc. It's best to let the doc sort out the issue since you may have two things going on here, and let them determine the cause of the fever and best course of treatment. Keep us posted and hang in there!

12-02-17, 15:05
You're sick. It happens.

12-02-17, 20:36
I just got back from seeing a doc at one of those urgent care walk-in places, and I was diagnosed with Bronchitis. I've also been put on an antibiotic (augmentin) for the infected wound. I'm guessing the high heart rate and diarrhea were anxiety based. Still feel quite nervous. I hate antibiotics. Thanks for the support, guys.