View Full Version : Our experiences with hypochondria/health anxiety

12-02-17, 11:43
Hi everyone I'm Leah

I'm a third year illustration student doing a project on hypochondria/health anxiety. I suffer from it too and I'm trying to create an art project around it to raise awareness as I feel sufferers are often dismissed as being dramatic/the condition is just not fully understood.

I know from personal experience that it can have a massive impact on your life and that the constant worrying and stress can take their toll physically as well as emotionally.

I think it's really important to illustrate a variety of experiences within my work which is why I'm asking for your help.

What I really want to know is:
-do you think there's something wrong with you right now? ie I have xxxx disease
-What do you think is wrong with you?
-How does this make you feel?
-How does your condition manifest itself? Is your health anxiety purely mental or do you experience physical symptoms?
-How do the people around you react to this illness?
-How do you cope with it?

​And of course any other information you'd like to share! Anything would be appreciated and your response can be as long or as short as you'd like!
Your responses can be completely anonymous if you'd like or you can be credited in the final work it's up to you

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and thank you in advance if you decide to respond

you can check out some of my past work at leahfaulkner.co.uk

thanks again,

12-02-17, 15:24
Hi Leah,

Good luck with the project, I've sent a reply to you by private message.