View Full Version : leg weakness/fatiqued

19-04-07, 02:42
Hey people!,

I wanted to know what you people think I could be getting these symptoms from I've been thinking through the potential reasons for this which isn't good usually for me because I tend to think the worst of things (have mild hypochondria.) So I just wanted to know what you people out there think could be causing this. I tend to not get much sleep through the first 4 days of each school week. So I'm thinking this could be the root of my problems and hopefully it hasn't done any damage to body already because, I read awhile ago that not getting enough sleep each night could lower your immunity to diseases such as cancer and other related viruses.

19-04-07, 19:07
Hello !
tension and anxiety can cause these symptoms - add this to lack of sleep and you will definitely feel fatigued ! The knack is to de-stress often during the day (some regular breathing and muscle relaxation - just for a few minutes each time). I have a short walk every day which clears my mind and stops me being a health worry-wart. Also have a regular bed time routine which includes a relaxation tape/CD.

Our bodies are resilient and adaptable and there is loads of info on this website to reassure you and encourage you to take positive action for yourself and your health. Break the cycle of health / worry - we waste so much time worrying about stuff that never happens. Be happy and healthy !

Be kind to yourself.

19-04-07, 23:34
thanks a ton for the affirmation of realizing that this is probably just a product of my anxiety+ocd (which I've both been diagnosed with which is a terrible combination because the ocd tends to heighten anxiety which really sucks but hey those are the cards I were delt with in life I guess so...)
but I'm very appreciative of your response! :D