View Full Version : worried about bowel movements TMI

12-02-17, 17:56
last Monday night I had gas and diarrhoea twice, not watery just loose (I can't think what caused it, all i can think of is coffee or a sugary vitamin drink as I don't drink them normally) and since then i've been having a lot of gas but my stools are normal I guess, softer. (they are normally harder, more cracks and darker as I get constipated a lot) but I keep freaking out that something is wrong like if i've got ulcerative colitis, crohn's disease or an allergy. everytime my stomach makes a noise or i get some gas I worry again that I'll get stomach pain and diarrhoea :( I am a bit on edge at to moment and my anxiety has been bad (trying to get a job and house sitting this week with my boyfriend for a friend, worried something will go wrong) plus I'm worrying about eating incase my stomach gets bad again.. its now Sunday and i'm still worrying :( I hate being like this

I've been eating less meat this week and cheesey fatty stuff which I don't normally eat so could be that? Anxiety probably not helping though is it

sorry for TMI

12-02-17, 18:49
If that's what usually happens when you are a bit anxious, then that's probably the reason. Or it could very well be the change in your diet. Best wishes.

12-02-17, 19:23
Only worry if you see blood or white/pale stools. And most time blood is hemmoroids or a fissures.