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View Full Version : Bowel changes

12-02-17, 20:36
Ok so usually my bowel movements have been nice and firm, but last week I had a stressful event involving a 300 dollar library fine and after that my bowel movements changed. They've either been really flakey and mushy (about a type 5-6 on the stool chart) or they've been kind of thin. I have had a few normal stools occasionally too. I've also been unusually gassy? Not really bloated though. Could it just be stress? In addition to the aforementioned stressful event, I have also been worried a lot about school and my health, and this isn't really helping. I'm afraid that I might have an obstruction or cancer and I really don't want to have to get a colonoscopy.

12-02-17, 21:55
Stress can cause a change in bowel habits, also when you're stressed your diet tends to change (I usually don't eat and that messes me up too).

If you had an obstruction your movements wouldn't change day by day, they would be consistently super thin and your stomach would really hurt.

I hope you're able to get your stress under control - sorry to hear you went through a hard time! Try making sure you're eating a balanced diet with plenty of fiber and drink lots of water! If it persists then it never hurts to consult a doctor!

12-02-17, 22:41
For me, I can have everything on the chart in a week if i am really tuned up and Trust me when I tell you I pay way more attention to my BMs than even I am comfortable with.

New low point for me.

I need to learn to flush without looking again.

13-02-17, 07:41
It could definitely be stress. This happened to me and I ended up seeing a gastroenterologist a few weeks after it started. He said that because I had had a change in bowel movements and it was ongoing that I needed a colonoscopy. So maybe wait and see if things get back to normal in a week or so. If not then I would mention to your doctor.

13-02-17, 19:06
Thanks guys. My bowels were a bit better today. I am gonna try and go to the doctor next week; I need my physical. I'm gonna see if they can test me for thyroid and celiacs again - those issues can cause this kind of stuff and can be worsened by stress.
Mom had a colonoscopy today and being around her in the 24 hours before it was quite miserable, so I'm really hoping that I myself don't have to get one.