View Full Version : Worried about Heart Related Symptoms despite all normal tests and scans?

12-02-17, 21:43
Hi guys,

Basically for he last month or two I've been getting heart palpitations and various other different symptoms such as a fast resting heart rate, and even sometimes a slower than normal resting heart rate. When I checked sometimes it can be 60 beats or even less despite the fact I'm overweight and not necessarily in the best of shape.

Recently, I've been under a huge amount of anxiety and stress with literally one thing after another going wrong in life.

It all started with the palpitations, which then reduced in frequency for a while before I started getting them again, mainly at night. I'd also get a lot of indigestion/heartburn as well and a feeling of panic.

Again, after a while this died down before then coming back again. On one occasion I got random sharp pains in my chest which I would also feel in my left arm. I got tingling in my left hand and sometimes a decrease in sensation. This happened regardless of whether I was stressed out or not.

I also get easily tired sometimes and out of breath, however this doesn't always happen, and seems to have come and gone for quite some time now.

The other week I ended up in the hospital for 6 hours having this investigated after the chest pains and dizziness, along with palpitations started again while I was driving. I had an ECG, blood tests and a chest x-ray - all of which came back completely normal and I was told this may be muscular pain and not heart-related.

I've had my heart looked at from all angles including with an ultrasound after seeing a cardiologist several years ago, and all was ok then as well.

If it helps, I'm 23 years of age, male, standing around 5.5 feet tall and I am slightly overweight weighing around 12.5 stones.

I suffer with ADHD, Anxiety, Depression and Aspergers Syndrome, and at the moment I'm not on any medications.

At the moment things have been a little better lately, but for some reason I still do get the slower heart rate at rest even though I'm not an athlete etc... It seems to speed up perfectly fine when I start moving, but when I rest is when it seems to be unusually slow. It doesn't cause any symptoms most of the time either.

I'm booked in for a 24-Hour ECG tomorrow to see if they can pick anything up, but in the meantime I do still keep worrying about it and just wanted a bit of advice!


bin tenn
12-02-17, 22:56
I know how you feel. While I'm not overweight, I've still experienced many "cardiac" symptoms. I get palpitations sometimes. Like you, I'll be fine for a while and not notice a single one, then suddenly I'm noticing several per day. I've had several clear EKG's, a clear echo and a clear treadmill stress test. I'll be 30 in April. Echo and stress test were due to afib, but that was caused by GERD - not an underlying heart condition, and it hasn't happened since (last August).

It sounds like you may be experiencing GERD symptoms, IMO. Have you talked to your doc about that? GERD pain definitely can radiate from the abdomen chest up to the neck, jaw, shoulders and arms. I began taking a PPI and many of my "cardiac symptoms" have since disappeared. The only thing I get now is palpitations, which were detected on a week-long event monitor as benign.