View Full Version : Advice about DVT worries

13-02-17, 01:36
Hi all

New here, though I posted on the now-shuttered Anxietyzone.

I'm worried about DVT and trying to decide if my worries are unfounded.

For three months, I have had deep, aching pains in various parts of my left calf (behind knee, near ankle and most commonly in the center of the meaty part of the back of the calf). They are transient (pokes and aches that come and go regardless of what I am doing); are not worse when standing/walking, and no redness/swelling. No risk factors.

I've gone to two doctors. Originally the immediate care clinic, who said it didn't sound to her like a DVT, and my GP, who said the same, adding that it is not likely due to the amount of time that had passed (2 months at that point) and that based on symptoms, if it here he experiencing them, he wouldn't be concerned about DVT.

Online, I read many posts of people talking about doctors being lax about diagnosing DVT, which worried me and has me second guessing the car I have received. I do have health anxiety, and am not sure if these pains are psychosomatic or real.

Any advice for a fellow worrier? Thanks!