View Full Version : Waking up every 1hr,light sleep, and vivid dream. I can't keep living like this 😞

13-02-17, 02:43
After a viral infection and so much stress/anxiety. A night of no sleep turned into this hell.

I've been taking Ativan for a few days out of the week to sleep but I'm fearful
I'll become dependent and scared of withdrawal symptoms .so I don't really want to take that anymore .

My sleep is so light and fragmented I literally wake up every 1 hr the whole night with vivid dreams . I feel like I'm a half wake /half asleep state and never get deep sleep. Im really scared but don't let anxiety consume me all day . I also stop trying to focus on the issue all day

I see a sleep therapist for CBT , do meditation, take a hot bath, hot yoga, chamomile tea and try to relax .

However, no matter what I do My sleep pattern isn't shifting .

What else can I do . I feel like I'm
Not going to ever get any restful sleep .this is killing me and there's days that I cry . I try telling myself this will pass, I will sleep well again , and try to be positive . I just feel like this isn't going away it's been over 1 month .

I'm a try sleep restriction and have been doing sleep hygiene the best I can

I can't keep living like this . Help me

13-02-17, 20:05
I truly truly sympathise as I have episodes of terrible imsomnia and am in the midst of one now. I literally cannot fall asleep unless I take a sedating anti histamine rather than a sleeping tablet. The anti histamines are not quite as bad as sleeping pills as they are not physically addictive.

I tend to fall asleep for about 10 minutes then wake up in a panic and am wide awake and would stay awake all night purely due to the panic and anxiety about not sleeping.

I was like this for 2 weeks then suddenly my mind set changed and I thought I am fed up with this and for a week I slept okay but last 3 nights its come back again.

I have no magic solution - I wish I did but I too feel absolutely that I cannot cope anymore in the middle of the night when still awake and its a scary feeling.