View Full Version : Lung Cancer Fear

13-02-17, 02:51
I am new here. I've suffered with HA for awhile and have been doing okay with it, but this winter has been a killer. I had a bad cough that wouldn't go away earlier in the fall, but it did respond to treatment. I was okay for awhile but the started coughing and wheezing at about the time my kids came down with colds and I had low level stuff going on, too. Then, last week, I got a cold- lots of congestion, sore throat, maybe low level fever. I finally went and got my inhaler refilled and it is helping the wheezing. I'm still coughing though (it has gone from wet to dry over the weeks). And, the worst part if is that, tonight, I discovered I have pain in my lung when taking a deep breath or leaning back (standing upright it feels fine). UGH. Of course, my mind is at lung cancer!!!!

I won't be able to get to the doc until Tues because of work. But, in the meantime, has anyone had anything like this (recurring cough, wheezing, and back pain upon deep breath) before and it turned out fine? I googled of course and that was dumb.

13-02-17, 03:54
I am new here. I've suffered with HA for awhile and have been doing okay with it, but this winter has been a killer. I had a bad cough that wouldn't go away earlier in the fall, but it did respond to treatment. I was okay for awhile but the started coughing and wheezing at about the time my kids came down with colds and I had low level stuff going on, too. Then, last week, I got a cold- lots of congestion, sore throat, maybe low level fever. I finally went and got my inhaler refilled and it is helping the wheezing. I'm still coughing though (it has gone from wet to dry over the weeks). And, the worst part if is that, tonight, I discovered I have pain in my lung when taking a deep breath or leaning back (standing upright it feels fine). UGH. Of course, my mind is at lung cancer!!!!

I won't be able to get to the doc until Tues because of work. But, in the meantime, has anyone had anything like this (recurring cough, wheezing, and back pain upon deep breath) before and it turned out fine? I googled of course and that was dumb.

Pain when leaning forward and leaning is indicative of inflammation. Try some ibuprofen in the meantime before you see your doctor! It might just be your cold made some tissue in your chest angry.

I've been diagnosed with costochondritis, where the cartilage connect my ribs to my sternum gets inflamed and it hurt so bad, especially depending on position or if I was holding something heavy! My fiancé also experienced something similiar to what you have said and got diagnosed with pleuritis. Both our situations were treated with ibuprofen or another NSAID until it went away and it's nothing to worry over, just annoying.

Don't google! Always the worst thing to do! Hopefully when you can get to the doctor he's able to figure it out and it's just something stupid that a little ibuprofen makes better.

13-02-17, 09:31
My husband gets bad chesty coughs with wheezing that last a few weeks. Sometimes he coughs until he throws up. He was diagnosed with lung disease last year but it isn't life threatening. He uses an inhaler sometimes to help his breathing but runs around at work like a man with healthy lungs. I was really worried that he had lung cancer before his diagnosis but of course he doesn't.

A few years ago I got an infection in the lining of my lungs and that hurt like hell when I breathed deeply. It was treated easily with antibiotics and was better within days.

It is a good idea to see a doctor to put your mind at rest and get treatment if you have an infection.

16-02-17, 03:32
Turns out, I ended up testing positive for evidence of blood clots in the lung. Was called from work today to get a CT scan and they found everything to be normal.

I was worried, not going to lie! Of course, I expected they were going to find lung cancer, since PE, clots, stroke, etc just aren't my bailiwick, cancer is.

I refused to leave until they delivered my results, so I didn't have to wait over night. That's one gift hypochondria has given me- I know how to juke radiology.

What a day. I guess I'm okay now. The pain in my lung has subsided a lot since Sunday night when it was at its worst. Maybe I had a clot that passed on its own, who knows?

19-02-17, 15:01
I had I had the same thing happen a few years ago. They test You Through Blood to see if there's any type of inflammation in the body. If it's even slightly raised, they will do a chest CT. Mine also turned out normal. You do not have a blood clot.