View Full Version : Started a "Dr. Google counter"; working wonders

13-02-17, 07:54
Recently, I started a counter at the top left of my computer screen that shows the number of days that have gone by without consulting "Dr. Google." I increment the count at the end of each day.

Despite some (very) close calls, I'm happy to say I've made it a week! So far, it's been nice knowing that five minutes of numbness in my left leg probably isn't a blood clot that will dislodge and fire into my brain, killing me instantly. :shades:

13-02-17, 08:01
lol well done. I used to Google but stopped a couple of years ago. I made a pact with myself that if I noticed anything I would not Google it and I would go and see the doctor instead. I stuck to it and it got easier and easier. Even now I will not Google any symptom regardless of what it is.