View Full Version : shaky legs mainly in the morning

13-02-17, 08:17
I have noticed the past few weeks when I wake up my legs feel shaky.in. even if I just get up to the toilet then lie back down they feel like they shake from the inside

I notice it at night aswell but seems worse in the mornings

is this normal ? my heart is usually quite fast when I notice this but I don't feel like I'm having a panic attack at the time

14-02-17, 04:45
There is a thing called internal tremour where it's not visible but it feels like your insides are shaking.

It could be just from sleeping funny. Being a bit low in potassium or b vitamins. Maybe a bit dehydrated.

Does it get better as the day goes on ?

14-02-17, 09:50
Hi, its not here today so I guess that's good, it comes and goes

when I workout I feel my muscles shake quite bad, I don't know if its because I'm weak just now or what