View Full Version : Xanax withdrawal, head-lightness, dizziness

13-02-17, 13:54
Hello everyone, long time member here...almost 5 years.

It's been a road with lots of ups and downs (like many others), but in general I have improved a lot (more on my story here http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=119169). I'm at a point where I would like to drop the meds and be "back to normal". The last year or two I've been on 10mg escitalopram and 0.25mg xanax. I'be dropeed Xanax almost 1 month ago and I'm planning to drop escitalopram in a few months.

Withdrawal from Xanax hasn't been too bad, but he last few days head-lightness and dizziness have increased considerably. Today I went out for lunch and walked for 10-15 minutes and all the time I felt like I would loose balance and fall (didn't fell). After having lunch it's better, but still do not feel stable at all.

I was expecting some issues from Xanax withdrawal, but after almost 1 month I though they would disappear. Has anyone experience from xanax withdrawal? Any timeline when the issues will go away? Is head-lightness, dizziness common?

Thank you

13-02-17, 14:21
I've been through xanax withdrawal.
Light headedness and dizziness are extremely common withdrawal effects. I had them, fairly severely, and many many more symptoms. I'm sorry you're going through this but one month is not a long time in the withdrawal process.

I joined a forum and the truth is that i would not have got through my withdrawal without it.
It helped me understand what was happening, and talking to people who were going through similar issues was a great comfort.
That forum is called http://www.benzobuddies.org
Please have a look at it, read through the posts and join in if possible.

Withdrawal is different for everyone, but remember that you will recover from it.

If I did, and I had it very bad, then you will too xx

13-02-17, 14:28
Thank you BrokenGirl....I know that it's impossible to have a "timeline", but should I expect to have the symptoms for 3 months? 6 months?

13-02-17, 14:47
Let me just say again that it is different for everyone.
All I can say is that for me it took me about 2 years to recover, and I still wouldn't say I'm 100% ok, but I have HA very bad now and stress of any sort makes xanax withdrawal worse.
But don't be scared because it took me 2 years, you might be fine in another few weeks!!
At least you were on a small dose. Some people were on crazy doses for years and years. I don't know how they got through it at all.

Please have a look at that website. I found it very comforting!!!