View Full Version : I can't do it anymore.

13-02-17, 15:21
Hi everyone, this is my first post here.

I suffered from health anxiety in my twenties, had therapy and was so much better in the previous years. But last summer something happened and I’m back to excruciating anxiety about my health. On June I got pregnant after my fifth IVF but I lost that baby at nine weeks. I had a D&C and two weeks after that my doctor said that the biopsy showed complex hyperplasia in my uterus without atypia (which is pre-cancer). But he said that I had to do the D&C and biopsy again two months later because the progesterone I was on could hide the atypia. In the meantime, he said I should see a breast specialist because I also had changes in my left breast after the IVFs. Anyway, I did a breast MRI that showed fibrocystic changes and dense breasts and an ultrasound. All benign condition. At September I did the second D&C and my hyperplasia came back as simple which was a huge improvement from the complex stage. My doctor prescribed oral provera for 4 months and said that after that I must do the D&C and biopsy again. Also a new breast ultrasound to check my breast condition.

All of these were so hard for me and I was back having health anxiety and panic attacks like so many years before. Like nothing had changed.

Here I am. I will have the D&C this week probably and the breast ultrasound in the next 10 days. The biopsy results could take 10-20 days. So I’m on panic mode again. What if my biopsy is bad this time? What if the hyperplasia is still there? What if it has progressed in something more serious? What if the changes in my breast aren’t benign anymore? I can’t handle it at all! I’m freaking out! I just can't do it anymore.

13-02-17, 17:38
I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through this. I can only imagine how hard this must be both physically and mentally.

Is there anything you can do to help you get your mind off of the appointments? Do you have someone that makes you happy?

That is all so nerve racking but your doctor seems to be pretty on top of it and if anything came back bad there is a good chance it can all be taken care of!

14-02-17, 18:54
Thanks a lot guys. So, I will have the D&C tomorrow morning, unless I get my period by then (something that could happen since it's the 28th day of the cycle that started after finishing provera). If I do get my period, I'll have to wait a month to have the D&C. My brain is confused right now and doesn't know what to worry about. The operation itself? The results? Or the possibility of not having it at all tomorrow? It's almost funny.