View Full Version : Swollowing problem's, throat cancer worry.

13-02-17, 18:21
I have been a member on this site for many years, 4 weeks ago my dad passed away following a long illness with dementia, he went in hospital with pneumonia and was not able to get over it. I'm finding things really hard and my anxiety is sky high, I have this real fear that I have throat cancer, I am having difficulty swollowing, everything I eat I feel like I can't swollow and that I'm going to choke, I feel as if I cant eat meat and anything that really needs to be chewed, I panic when I swollow having to force food down, I have had this on and off for nearly 12 months, I have also had a cough for the last few weeks coughing up phlegm, I am worrying before I even eat now. I am scared to death that I have cancer and that it has spread, I'm sorry to go on, I ended up in A&E last week due to what I think was a panic attack they did I an ecg and a chest x ray which was all normal. I am so scared at the moment.

13-02-17, 21:12
Hi I just wanted to say, when my anxiety is at a peak i can't eat anything I have to chew as I physically can not swallow it, I get but my throat closes up and it makes me gag, I sometimes just have to eat yoghurt and mashed potato for a few weeks on end sometimes cause obviously I get that hungry I need someting. So I eat mushy food so I can sort of trick my mind into thinking that because I haven't chewed it's ok to swallow. Meats like steak and pork are the worse foods for me to eat and i struggle to eat and swallow them when my anxiety is really good.

14-02-17, 07:29
Thanks for your reply, I have a drs appointment tomorrow I'm really worried it's something serious.

14-02-17, 08:55
Maybe see an ENT and get that barium? Swallow test . That will show up how your muscles and tongue and everything work and if there's any issues at all.

If you suffer from acid that csn also annoy your throat which can then make it harder to get food down.

17-02-17, 16:45
Just an update everyone, went to see my gp, thinks my symptoms sound like gord which I hadnt heard of, have had blood tests, fbc, liver and kidney functions, thyroid function, all blood tests have came back ok. Have gone back on meds to help with anxiety, still having difficulty swollowing, do you think I should be reassured as these tests have came back normal

17-02-17, 16:57
do you think I should be reassured as these tests have came back normal

What is the rational answer to that question? ;) And no "yeah buts" in the answer!

Positive thoughts