View Full Version : Worried about heart rate

13-02-17, 20:34
My resting heart rate is around 105 today at rest when it's usually in the low 80s... I have been sneezing all day and it feels like I'm getting something hopefully not the flu. I don't think I have a fever, could my increased heart beat be because I'm getting sick?

---------- Post added at 20:34 ---------- Previous post was at 20:28 ----------

Please someone?

13-02-17, 20:51
I've Been anxious all day and mine is 104

13-02-17, 21:15
My resting heart rate is around 105 today at rest when it's usually in the low 80s... I have been sneezing all day and it feels like I'm getting something hopefully not the flu. I don't think I have a fever, could my increased heart beat be because I'm getting sick?

---------- Post added at 20:34 ---------- Previous post was at 20:28 ----------

Please someone?

Well I've had my HR get up into to the upper nineties before, at rest, whenever I've got to feeling really bad or sick and BP too. So it's possible. But HR has to be checked after 10 minutes of rest though, or it really doesn't count.

But never forget, anxiety - even minimal anxiety - will also get it up there and keep it up there for a while until the anxiety goes away.

13-02-17, 22:29
Being sick can increase the heart rate as well as anxiety.

13-02-17, 22:34
Maybe it's my pancreas? I noticed today my stools are really pale also..

13-02-17, 22:40
I'm always curious when I see people worrying about their heart rate. Have you been advised by a doctor to monitor your heart rate because of a pre-existing condition? If so, and you have concerns, talk to your doctor.

On the other hand, if there's nothing to indicate that you should be monitoring your heart rate, why not get rid of the monitor? They don't seem to bring any reassurance based on what I've seen around here. There's not really any need for healthy people to monitor their heart rate.

bin tenn
13-02-17, 23:17
I'm always curious when I see people worrying about their heart rate. Have you been advised by a doctor to monitor your heart rate because of a pre-existing condition? If so, and you have concerns, talk to your doctor.

On the other hand, if there's nothing to indicate that you should be monitoring your heart rate, why not get rid of the monitor? They don't seem to bring any reassurance based on what I've seen around here. There's not really any need for healthy people to monitor their heart rate.

My guess would be (as has been the case for me) that OP monitoring is not necessary, but is instead an anxiety vice. "My heart rate is down, I must be fine" or "it's high, I must be dying" - it took me a long time to accept that heart rate alone is no indication whatsoever of how healthy I am. :-P

105 is not severe by any means, especially if you're coming down with something. Get some good rest, do some breathing exercises, then check it after about 10 minutes if you need to know. But I'd recommend not checking it for a while and accepting that it will come down when your body feels better. Hard to do, I know, but I think it'd help.

14-02-17, 07:24
My resting heart rate is around 68. When I worried about it it would rise above 100. I used to take mine as soon as I woke up and it would be ok. Try that.

14-02-17, 12:33
Maybe it's my pancreas? I noticed today my stools are really pale also..

Maybe it's your anxiety... I noticed you're stressing over what would be considered normal, especially someone with anxiety.

Positive thoughts

14-02-17, 21:44
Thanks everyone for the replies. I have an update on my symptoms that really has me on edge. My body is aching all over and my skin feels real sensitive. My back is hurting the worst, I can't even bend over for 5 seconds and it aches and feels strained..

14-02-17, 21:51
Sounds like you're coming down with something.

Positive thoughts

14-02-17, 22:04
I'm worried it's something horrible

bin tenn
14-02-17, 23:42
Why does it have to be horrible?