View Full Version : ....... exercise

13-02-17, 21:03
I'm not sure if it just because I have anxiety or whether it's just me as a person. But I Hate the feeling just after exercising. .

I hate thefast heart rate, I hate the deep panting/breathing and the hot feeling.

Does everyone generally hate the feeling just after exercising???

I haven't really been doing it much recently but decided tonight to do a little workout but had to stop after 10 mins as the feeling makes me really anxious and sort of panicky.... and also keeps me on edge for ages afterwards too...

13-02-17, 21:46
I love the feeling after exercise! The panting and rapid heart rate don't last long and after that I'm just left with a really relaxed feeling. Exercise has been great for my anxiety. The more you exercise, the quicker you'll recover after a workout.

As is so often the case, the problem here is not the feeling itself, but your reaction to it. You're hyper aware, hypersensitised and scared. Your mind is obsessed with the idea that something is wrong. There is nothing inherently bad or scary about being out of breath and making your heart work hard. In fact, these things are good for you. But you're continuing to throw fear into the mix because your anxiety is getting away from you at the moment.

My advice to you is to keep exercising and to make sure you keep on feeling those sensations afterwards. It you avoid them, you'll create a sense in your mind that they are dangerous, scary, to be avoided. And the problem will only get worse.

Aside from that, it's the age-old "seek help with your anxiety" trope we're all so familiar with.

bin tenn
13-02-17, 23:13
I agree with ServerError. I used to hate it as well. But the more I did it, the more I started to enjoy the feeling. I'm fine now with it, it doesn't bother me at all. It took a bit to get to that point, but it's worth it. Would you rather never exercise to avoid it, or exercise and get over it eventually and reap the long term benefits?

14-02-17, 00:57
I disklike it when I am at the peak its almost the same feeling I get when I am in a panic attack, heart pounding breathing hard almost swimmy headed.

Now the feeling AFTER is awesome, that drained I got nothing left in the tank feeling, thats the best.

14-02-17, 02:31
I don't do much *formal* exercise, but sometimes I work very hard at work (I work in a physically demanding job), and I actually LIKE the feeling when I am moving around a lot and using my muscles.
Sometimes I don't realize how exhausted I am until I go on break, and suddenly I just collapse in a chair, because all my muscles are tired and achy.
But in my case, the trite old advice is pretty much true: physical activity elevates my mood and helps keep my anxiety under control.
Afterward, I feel very calm (at least for a half hour or so; then the anxiety comes creeping back in).