View Full Version : Heart flutters/sharp pain

13-02-17, 22:56
I swear anxiety wants to throw every possible pain at me just when your trying to be happy bam another pain.

For the past 2 days I have had heart flutters which to be honest I'm just ignoring and trying to not let them freak me out but then a couple of times today I will get a heart flutter then pain go down my left arm and a sharp pain in my chest it's really making me so anxious everything is running through my mind, heart attack, blood clot. Does anyone else get this I'm so scared right now I don't no what to do, I don't want to move, I actually think I'm dying right now.

bin tenn
13-02-17, 23:20
I occasionally get palpitations (sometimes a flutter, sometimes a thud) that cause a sharp, short pain in the dead center of my chest. Sometimes it seems to radiate outward into my left shoulder and/or arm. I honestly don't think the arm stuff is actually related. Besides, I've read many times that brief, sharp pains in the chest are basically not indicative of a cardiac problem, due to the fact that cardiac related pain is more severe and/or chronic/long lasting.

14-02-17, 00:39
I had similar issues recently and from what I understand (i.e. compulsive hypochondriac Googling furiously over many weeks), heart-related pain is very specific. It won't last for more than a few minutes, and doesn't repeat.

This doesn't sound like what you're experiencing. Persistent heart flutters/palpitations are instead textbook symptoms of anxiety and panic, and if you feel impending doom, you might be experiencing some panic.

Check to see if you can localize the pain. If you can, it's almost definitely muscle soreness or a pulled muscle, which is also very often caused by anxiety and panic.

If the symptom persists for more than a week or two, checking it out is justified. I promise you'll be fine though.

Also, check to see when you're experiencing this. If it's after some light physical activity like climbing stairs or walking, then it's just normal heart behavior that you're hypersensitive to because of your anxiety. If it isn't, it's still nothing to fret over. Just throwing out some ways to dot your Ts.

14-02-17, 16:26
I have been getting constant heart flutters for the past few weeks! I just got back from having some testing done.