View Full Version : Constantly checking boobs

14-02-17, 09:36
Hi everyone. In the past I've been a terrible HA sufferer with my main fear being the big C. None of my family have suffered (mainly heart problems in my family) so I'm not sure where the fear comes from. I had extensive CBT with a CPN which really helped. My HA stemmed from my mum having a heart attack when I was 9 years old, subsequently I worried about leaving my own children motherless.
I've been ok for about 3 years now but recently it's reared its ugly head again. I've been through some recent stresses, including a break up, moving house, new job. I'm now settled but I think my age has been a lot to do with my recent HA. I'm late 40s and perimenopausal, with lots of symptoms related to that.
My main worry is my lumpy boobs. They've always been lumpy and in the past I've had cysts. Someone at work mentioned last week they had a thickening in their breast and they were going to get tests. This then triggered me to check my breast and lo and behold I found a lump. However, not sure it's something or not but it's peaked my HA again. I'm constantly checking my left breast so much so it's painful, and now my shoulder and neck is sore. I'm panicky as a gland is up in my neck. I have a docs appt today so hopefully that will help. However, I don't want to start with severe HA again when I've been doing so well.
It's definitely triggered by hearing about other people. I also avoid TV or magazines with triggers to my HA. Any advice welcome as I'm exhausted. TIA

14-02-17, 09:52
Homeone at work mentioned last week they had a thickening in their breast and they were going to get tests. This then triggered me to check my breast and lo and behold I found a lump. However, not sure it's something or not but it's peaked my HA again. I'm constantly checking my left breast so much so it's painful, and now my shoulder and neck is sore. I'm panicky as a gland is up in my neck. I have a docs appt today so hopefully that will help. However, I don't want to start with severe HA again when I've been doing so well.
It's definitely triggered by hearing about other people. I also avoid TV or magazines with triggers to my HA. Any advice welcome as I'm exhausted. TIA

Exactly the same here! Had thickening of the breast tissue about 4 years ago, was referred and all was normal, however, about 3 months ago was reading (actually on here) about a lump in the breast and it triggered me to look and I found a lump too! Was prodding for ages and ages, finally saw a GP and she said she could not feel it (I can), but noticed that its big and bulged before I am due on my period and then it goes down about 2 days after I have started so I am guessing its a gland. I am just as exhausted.....I cannot give you any advice on how to deal with HA as I do not know (still trying to overcome it) but just wanted to let you know I know how you feel...

14-02-17, 10:00
Thanks Kay for your reply. It's reassuring to know I'm not alone. Part of me fears going to the docs and getting sent for tests as I don't want to hear bad news! The other part of me wants to go to ease my anxiety. It's a real vicious circle isn't it?
A doctor showed me how to examine my breasts and it's with the flat of your hand. I can only find my lumps if I go poking. Which is probably the wrong thing to do.

14-02-17, 10:14
Yup - the GP showed me too she referred to it as 'washing yourself' lol - with the flat on your hand (palm down) and down and then on the sides the same - if I go poking trust me I find at least 5 lumps with all different things going on, it is a vicious circle, I am kind of over that now but fearing lung cancer at the moment as having persistent tickling cough and shoulder pain radiating to the neck, driving me crackers!

But like you say, hate going to the GP as for one I just burst out crying and then forget what I am saying and then other times too scared to tell them the symptoms and question them....but I want to know what is wrong so YES 10000% know what you mean!

14-02-17, 10:20
Lung cancer was my fear last month. I too had a persistent sore throats, cough and shortness of breath. The shortness of breath was a worry as I had a heaviness in my chest at times, specially after exercise and luring down. Doc gave me antibiotics and I felt a lot better. She thinks it was a bronchial infection. Also turns out I have seasonal asthma. The inhaler helped too. I was sent for a chest X-ray and all was clear. Yours will be similar I'm sure. The doctor will know how best to help. It's exhausting isn't it?

---------- Post added at 10:20 ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 ----------

Lying down*

14-02-17, 10:34
If its not one thing its another just does my bloody head in! I think the thing that freaks me out the most is going to the GP, discussing, walking away feeling rather great and then the other feeling OMG why are they requesting xrays and bloods, they must think I am ill or have the dreaded C and then the waiting for the results & the phonecall,.......well just wrap me up in a blanket and drop me somewhere (it scares me so badly), makes me want to pass out just having my phone buzz.....geez!

14-02-17, 10:57
Indeed. I get angry with myself. I have a new partner, and he's now moved in with me. He's now seeing the full extent of my HA!! Although he has been lovely and supportive. He never worries about his health. He's from SA and has lots of miles. I keep telling him to get them checked but he's not worried in the least!!
I've got a docs appt today. I'll let you know how I get in. Have you made an appointment? I'm sure the shoulder pain you are experiencing is due to you tensing up with your anxiety. I get neck and shoulder pain a it. Treat yourself to a relaxing massage.

---------- Post added at 10:57 ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 ----------

Lots of moles*

14-02-17, 11:04
HA! I am from SA too :).....i have plenty of moles, had them checked out years and years ago, had two removed also.....HA kicked in then also! Yes made an appointment (well the GP did last time I saw her for 4 weeks time) - scared to see her...the shoulder pain is weird and when I breathe in it pulls which is really freaking me out, I am always breathing in deep so I can feel the pull to try and analyse it....makes myself really ill with worry!

Yes, let me know what she says please :)

14-02-17, 11:17
Imagine that! He's not lived in SA for 15 years now although his family still there. I used to make an appt with the Doc every 6 weeks. I have private health care through work. Both of these plus CBT have helped with my HA in the past. In fact I stopped making docs appt and the last month is the first I've been in 2 years. I know I can do it but I will mention to the docs again.
I'll bet you have a bronchial infection which is taking a while to go. The shoulder pain will be due to coughing and you tensing up. I'm sure if it was more sinister you would have more definite symptoms such as coughing up blood. I'm sure your doc will help ease your worry but as I'm a sufferer too, I know it's easier said than done. I'm trying relaxation techniques.

14-02-17, 11:34
Hi again, yes been here about 15 years myself....I know, started on Citralopam about 3 weeks ago & enrolled in CBT about 2 weeks ago, the waiting list is long but I will wait, in the meantime I just try and control my breathing....I keep thinking of scenarios of I might be sleeping funny or something, I vaguely recall after moving house in October last year that my left side hurt a little but then went away, my husband recalls me complaining about my left arm also...to be honest I complain about any ache and pain lol.

14-02-17, 13:32
Any breast lump should be investigated. Go and get it checked. It is most probably nothing but you can't put everything down to anxiety.

14-02-17, 13:50
She has a GP appointment today

14-02-17, 14:01
I think that's what we all do so you're not alone. I had a really sore right shoulder and arm recently. I referred for physiotherapy through work and it turned out to be the position I was sitting at my desk. A few exercises and I felt better.

---------- Post added at 14:01 ---------- Previous post was at 13:59 ----------

Kay - that reply was to your last post 😊

---------- Post added at 14:01 ---------- Previous post was at 14:01 ----------

Swann - I'm going to docs today. Will check in here after I've been. Thanks 😊

14-02-17, 14:01
its a strange one this.....breathing in deeply doesnt hurt but gives me a strained muscle sensation on the mid left back area.... freaking out once again.

14-02-17, 16:45
Hi, I'm back from the doctors. She examined my breasts and said she could feel some dense breast tissue which she said felt normal. She said she's not concerned but is referring me to the breast clinic for peace of mind. It's a one stop shop where you get mammogram, ultrasound and results in one visit. So that seems helpful. She said it's not an urgent referral. She also discussed how breast tissue changes during perimenopause.
So I feel much better and reassured.
Thanks for listening and Kay, keep posting as I would like to keep in touch ��

14-02-17, 17:10
I am pleased for you at least you feel better :)

Going to see how this pain in my back is and if still the same I am going to ring my GP first thing tomorrow morning and get seen, this worry is crazy.

14-02-17, 17:13
let me know how you get on

14-02-17, 17:14
Plus its Valentines day today - I only got married October last year so this Valentines is supposed to be a special one and I feel like this.....SO SAD

14-02-17, 19:01
I was at the breast clinic last week. All clear and they were thorough and took the time to explain and show me details on my ultrasound. It was very reassuring. The nurse told me to only examine my breast once a month and to come back if I find something new that is still there the following month. She said it is better to come more often than worry about missing something. She also said that most of the women they see do not have cancer. That is the part to focus on.

14-02-17, 19:08
I advocate for my patients to do a self breast exam once a month, 5-7 days after their last period, and usually in the shower. It's also important to ask your doctor to show you how to do a proper self exam. It's important to become familiar with your breasts and know if there is a new lump. But yes - 95% of lumps are NOT breast cancer! However - every new lump should be evaluated!

Catherine S
14-02-17, 20:22
PASchool. .can't you make that 99.9%? 5% might still make some of us a bit wobbly :unsure:

ISB ☺ x

14-02-17, 21:04
Hahaha regardless, it is a very small percentage and if you feel a lump the statistics are strongly in your favor! Like I said shoot for the once a month check and being familiar, but otherwise it's not healthy to check every day.

15-03-17, 23:02
I just wanted to report back that I had my appt at the breast clinic last week. I saw doc then mammogram and ultrasound and back to doc for results. Just over two hours. Go NHS I say. Results were clear. I apparently have lumpy boobs.
Thanks to all who offered support. I've been back to gp to see about my anxiety and she was very supportive.