View Full Version : Dull ache in left leg with vibrating feeling in foot.

14-02-17, 14:36
I'm posting this separately to my other threads about my HA and palpitations/ectopics.

For the last year I have been experiencing what started as a pulsing, vibrating sensation on the bottom of my left foot. It feels just like I'm standing on a phone that's vibrating.

I mentioned it to the GP during one of my many heart visits and he suggested it could be due to bad arch support. I figured it was just muscle twitches like I get on my face when I am particularly anxious. It went away for a few months.

Recently though it has come back with a vengeance and is accompanied by a dull, hollow ache with a feeling of what I can only describe as weightlessness(?) from the knee down. It is only really a problem at night in bed, when it just throbs and feels kind of numb.

I'm not looking for a diagnosis as I'm certain that it is yet another anxiety symptom. I was just wondering if anybody else has experienced similar things? My hyper sensitivity to it is making it very difficult to sleep at the moment which makes me tired, which makes my ectopics and fatigue worse. :scared15:

14-02-17, 15:29
Yeah, I get the same thing from time to time. It's just another version of 'pins and needles,' I think. I get it whenever I sit in the same place for a long period of time, and it's almost always in my right leg.

You should take note of the circumstances surrounding each episode. Is it during or after a particular activity? If it's only in bed, does it go away if you fall asleep with your leg elevated on a pillow? Then you can start to isolate what might be causing it :)

15-02-17, 00:41
I think I've got something pretty similar in both feet. In addition every step I take I get a vibration at the base of each foot as it hits the ground. Mine is caused by shallow breathing caused by anxiety.

25-02-17, 17:08
Quick update on this:

I mentioned it again to my GP when I was in for a follow up on some blood tests.

She checked the pulse in my foot and said that although I have poor circulation and very cold hands and feet, the pulse in my foot is strong so no need to worry about a blockage. She said it's not anything sinister and to try sleeping in different positions and stretching it out.

I have recently had a preliminary diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome, likely due to two years of chronic stress and anxiety. I imagine that these foot twitches and leg pains are just more signs of a battered and abused nervous system which (hopefully) will get better as I progress with my health anxiety and get back to a normal lifestyle.