View Full Version : My anxiety gets worst with my kid -lymph nodes

14-02-17, 16:15
My kid has been sick (ear infection and on antibiotic) recovered and gets another cold 3 weeks apart. She is recovering fine (active, eating beside the coughing) but I took her to the doctor to check on her coughing. During exam the doctor felt her neck lymph nodes and told me this "they are a little bit swollen because she is fighting the cold. Give it at least a week. It's expected"

I shall trust the doctor and get reassurance from that. However, I'm now starting to worry of the unrealistic what-if like they don't come down? What if this, what if that, and it is driving me concerned. The thing is that i tried to feel her neck and I can't feel the swollen ones. How would I know if they go down later? She has an annual exam next month. I will bring it up but until then, the fear is in me. Sigh.

Being a parent multiply my worries. Sometime I feel like I'm the only weird one in the world. Instead of enjoying her, I keep on worry about things that I can't control.

14-02-17, 19:13
Ah it's totally normal to worry about your child!

Rest assured the doctor is absolutely correct. Nodes can be hard to feel unless you're trained or if they're extremely swollen - and some people are just naturally lumpy! If you can't feel them then they most likely went down already!

Be at peace! You just love your daughter and don't want anything to happen to her!

14-02-17, 20:53
thanks PASchoolSyndrome. I will try to remind myself of what you just said. I'm not a trained doctor, so if i can't feel her nodes (no lump/no hard thingy) means that she's fine. The doctor is trained to spot bad things, so if she's not concerned, I shall not worry too much.

yesterday, my husband told me if the doctor is not worried and she already explained to you, your fear is irrational. Here I was, feeling her neck this morning before I left for work.

06-03-17, 13:51
How did things turned on ?