View Full Version : Heart concerns

14-02-17, 16:51
I'm a newbie, I came here from Anxiety Zone. Ever since my Dad had a major heart attack back in 2008, I've had major health anxiety, with cardio fears ruling my anxiety. My family on both sides have extensive heart disease which doesn't help matters.

Long story short, I've been through quite a few cardio test. In 2008 I did several EKGs, an echo, and wore a 24 hour monitor. All it found was tachycardia. My doctor put me on Lexapro and I've just dealt with it the best I can over the years.

My main symptoms are an obsession with my heart rate, general tightness in my chest area that comes and goes, shortness of breath, and sharp, stabbing pains that come and go. I will say, in the past two years, I've gained lots of weight, about 60lbs. The symptoms seem to have gotten worse since then.

I lose my breath so easily, and then I sit here yawning and trying to catch up. The slightest physical activity makes my heart race, and then the tightness follows. Changing positions in bed, bending over, etc. My heart just pounds. I can go days and feel like I'm not breathing deeply enough.

Last year, my doctor commented on my consistently high heart rate. She put me on a beta blocker and I take 10mg twice a day now. She did an EKG which was normal. She sent me to a cardiologist and my EKG there was normal. They reviewed my tests from 2008 and didn't see an immediate need to repeat them, but due to my family's history, they want me to start going once a year for a cardio checkup.

I'm on here today because I'm now in day 3 of a rapid heartbeat, not feeling like I'm breathing deeply, and general tightness in my chest. It's really scaring me, because on top of that, I've just been feeling tired and rundown lately. Like no energy to do anything.

Could all these tests be wrong? Could there be something majorly wrong that the doctors are missing? This could also be freaking me out because a co-worker just died of a heart attack at only 32 and I just turned 30 myself. I will say since starting the beta blocker, my blood pressure is consistently 115/70ish and my heart rate, no matter how fast it feels, is typically in the 70-80bpm range.

---------- Post added at 10:51 ---------- Previous post was at 10:48 ----------

Perfect example. Just had to walk around the corner to pick something up at work. Not strenuous at all but when I sat down my heart was pounding. Took me a minute to catch my breath, and my chest feels super tight. Just checked my pulse and it's 66bpm. Why do I feel this way if my heart isn't actually racing?

bin tenn
14-02-17, 17:44
If you're not exercising, I would recommend starting a routine - slowly at first, until you're comfortable to move further. I used to feel like my heart was pounding often, also with little physical activity. I started walking at least once a day and being generally more active. Now I can walk longer, climb more stairs, and do more things without feeling the way you describe.

I've also dealt with cardiac fears. I've had an episode of afib before, and there was no mistaking it for anxiety or other benign issues. It was very obvious. It was triggered by GERD - subsequent echo and stress test revealed no underlying issues. Heart is perfectly fine. It's definitely possible that you're simply out of shape and anxious, IMO.

14-02-17, 20:03
Why do I feel this way if my heart isn't actually racing?

Well... being that you're posting on an anxiety forum, I think you know the answer ;) There's nothing in your post that indicates an issue.

Positive thoughts

17-02-17, 17:12
I've been feeling a little dizzy lately, too. Especially when first standing up, and if I'm walking for a bit. Maybe dizzy isn't the right word... unsteady on my feet?

Also, a few nights recently, I've like stopped breathing as I'm drifting off to sleep. It causes my heart to really race and I'm literally gasping for air. This has happened 2 or 3 times in the past few weeks.

Are y'all sure I shouldn't be worried? I do have checkups scheduled with both my GP and cardiologist in April.

17-02-17, 17:21
Hi :)

My dad had a major heart attack when I was 12 and we almost lost him. His family have heart problems (grandfather and uncle also had heart attacks). I suffer from anxiety issues and recently I've been plagued woth heart worries like you.

I had an ecg the other week and going for a 24 hour monitor next week.

I'd say to trust your doctor but have a chat with them about your concerns. It sounds like you are suffering from anxiety (just like my doc thinks I am) which is causing your cardio symptoms.

All the best :D

17-02-17, 17:22
I have heart disease. Two heart attacks, bypass and stents as well as angina.

Tests show it "." (period!) You have anxiety and are experiencing the real physical benign symptoms.

Positive thoughts

17-02-17, 17:40
I have heart disease. Two heart attacks, bypass and stents as well as angina.

Tests show it "." (period!) You have anxiety and are experiencing the real physical benign symptoms.

Positive thoughts

Would EKG or blood work show angina? I was at ER the other day and had another EKG and blood work ran ( last one was Jan of last year) . I talked with the doctor some. He said my blood work came back fine that I'm probably the healthiest in the room out of him me , and 4 other people that was there with me. He really did talk up my numbers on my blood work. Said my pains are not cardiac related and with numbers like that I will never experience a blockage or cad ( not saying never as in it can't happen of my numbers get worse but with how my numbers are right now if they stayed around the same ). He said he's seen people's blood you can actually see the fat in it. Which made me feel good but I still get chest pains.

17-02-17, 18:20
Would EKG or blood work show angina? I was at ER the other day and had another EKG and blood work ran ( last one was Jan of last year) . I talked with the doctor some. He said my blood work came back fine that I'm probably the healthiest in the room out of him me , and 4 other people that was there with me. He really did talk up my numbers on my blood work. Said my pains are not cardiac related and with numbers like that I will never experience a blockage or cad ( not saying never as in it can't happen of my numbers get worse but with how my numbers are right now if they stayed around the same ). He said he's seen people's blood you can actually see the fat in it. Which made me feel good but I still get chest pains.

Yes. EKGs show angina because it is a specific pathological process where the heart does not get enough oxygen.

17-02-17, 18:22
You don't have angina at 30... you just don't! Nor do you have any other cardiac related issue. Please trust the doctors. Consider therapy as well to help cope with the irrational fears and thoughts.

Positive thoughts

17-02-17, 18:28
Yes. EKGs show angina because it is a specific pathological process where the heart does not get enough oxygen.

I would work on some anxiety techniques - and it's great that you're blood was good! Gaining that much weight though, along with anxiety, could absolutely explain your symptoms if the doctor didn't find any actual cause. Try switching up your diet and exercise routine and see if that helps any bit.

Maybe you misread or I miss worded something lol. I actually didn't gain any weight. I've lost some pounds if anything. My diet sucks I told him that he's like most of its hireditary. And some people can have great numbers all their life's.

17-02-17, 18:33
Maybe you misread or I miss worded something lol. I actually didn't gain any weight. I've lost some pounds if anything. My diet sucks I told him that he's like most of its hireditary. And some people can have great numbers all their life's.

I did and I'm sorry!! I went and changed it (: I didn't check and I thought you were the OP.

But my first comment remains true. Angina is a specific problem that and it shows on EKGs.

17-02-17, 18:40
You don't have angina at 30... you just don't! Nor do you have any other cardiac related issue. Please trust the doctors. Consider therapy as well to help cope with the irrational fears and thoughts.

Positive thoughts

Yeah I know it's hard to think. I did tell him I played a ton of video games. When I say that I mean sometimes 8-12 hours straight in my younger days. I grew up around games so it was kinda my ticket out. I just recently slacked off of them. So I haven't love the most active life style but I'm by no means really fat or anything.

I know they look at me age 33 5:10 weight around 195. Don't smoke or do drugs no history of heart disease in family. So I know I'm low risk like he said.

My chest pains come and go through out the day. Most only last 10 seconds or less. Some couple second only had few last around min or so. And it can be left side even had same type pains on right side just not as often.

I did read that unstable angina can be detected by troponin t stat blood test.

Which I had a EKG , troponin t stat, CBC with diff , lipid panel , and cmp ran on my the other day at the ER.

Just sucks not knowing what it is but I guess that's what gets all is anxeity suffer's. Thanks for the reply guys. And fisherman thanks I see you do so much for this board over just the year I have been here. I'm sure I'm not the only one who notices it and appreciate it.

---------- Post added at 18:40 ---------- Previous post was at 18:35 ----------

I did and I'm sorry!! I went and changed it (: I didn't check and I thought you were the OP.

But my first comment remains true. Angina is a specific problem that and it shows on EKGs.

It's all good. The doctor even complemented me on how I looked. He said if I was couple hundred pounds over weight or came in sweating bullitts he would been a lot more concerned. But like I said I don't live a very active lifestyle or eat the best. I don't even know how my blood work is so good I told him lol he said hireditary has a lot to do with it. Some people can eat just vegs all their life's and still have bad blood work.

17-02-17, 22:18
I'm the same I started getting health anxiety due to my dad dying of a heart attack nearly 4 years ago while he was on holiday with my mum. It was one of the most heartbreaking experiences I've been through. When he passed I was working in a hospital which already I got too see a lot of death etc.

I started to freak out, constantly going for ECG testing etc. always getting pain in my chest. Anxiety plays a big part in that obviously. I was put on 24 hour blood pressure monitoring, as I'm bp was always high. Again it was anxiety not that I had blood pressure or that I was having a heart attack. Then I started to obsess with everything to do with heart, like the minute I get left arm pain or my bottom left jaw started to hurt I thought heart attack. It's awful. Even though a few years have passed since my dad, the fear of having a heart attack is so real. My cholesterol has been high and something the doctors was too put me on Statins. But I have taken them as I managed to get it dowm slightly by diet and exercise.

If so difficult I remember when I was 18 years old and watched my dad have his first heart attack, I was scared for him, but it didn't effect me back then as I wasn't around anything medical and didn't have a clue about risks.

17-02-17, 22:50
Yeah I get chest pains daily. And it's always in back if my mind if it was pain from my heart. But doctors say it isn't. But still hard to just let it go and move on.

bin tenn
17-02-17, 23:49
It is definitely hard to let chest pains go and accept that they are not cardiac in nature. I have that problem now and then, including today. Granted I'm not worried about it, but more than once today I've second guessed whether they are just from stress, anxiety and lack of sleep (been awake for 36 hours now).

All we can do is try our best to accept it. Testing and doctors say we're fine; so we're fine.

18-02-17, 00:50
It is definitely hard to let chest pains go and accept that they are not cardiac in nature. I have that problem now and then, including today. Granted I'm not worried about it, but more than once today I've second guessed whether they are just from stress, anxiety and lack of sleep (been awake for 36 hours now).

All we can do is try our best to accept it. Testing and doctors say we're fine; so we're fine.

Yeah I'm doing my best to think that more this time around. The first time I went to ER with chest pains is when they said i had GAD. I never even heard of it before that. Or knew anything about it.

bin tenn
18-02-17, 02:57
Luckily I didn't have (or at least didn't notice) chest pain symptoms until well after I was diagnosed with anxiety. So I had learned about the various symptoms (including chest pain) long before I felt that symptom.

18-02-17, 03:15
Luckily I didn't have (or at least didn't notice) chest pain symptoms until well after I was diagnosed with anxiety. So I had learned about the various symptoms (including chest pain) long before I felt that symptom.

I actually felt them years before I was told I had anxiety. But was very rare and short lived. Maybe was still stress then too just I wasn't stressed as much then.

Idk just know what doctors are telling me now. And being 33 don't smoke drink it do drugs. No family history of heart diease and not really over weight I'm hitting the low risk factory in getting it. Doctors don't seem worried

18-02-17, 13:05
I have chest pains from musculoskeletal issues that I was worried cardiac for a while - then I worried it was anxiety.. Turns out the doctor knew more that me (whoooa what?) and I actually had costocondritis and inflammation between my ribs.

If there was actually something wrong with you the doctors would be worried.

19-02-17, 01:07
It is comforting that I'm not alone in this. Doesn't make the symptoms any better, though. Went grocery shopping tonight and felt out of breath with a racing heart the entire time. Got home, had a throbbing headache, and felt slightly light-headed. Maybe something could be wrong, since all my heart tests are almost 10 years old and it's been several months since my last EKG...

19-02-17, 02:10
It is comforting that I'm not alone in this. Doesn't make the symptoms any better, though. Went grocery shopping tonight and felt out of breath with a racing heart the entire time. Got home, had a throbbing headache, and felt slightly light-headed. Maybe something could be wrong, since all my heart tests are almost 10 years old and it's been several months since my last EKG...

I feel the same way sometimes and I had a EKG and blood work on Valentine's Day this year. I'm back to checking my pulse at random times too which I need to quit doing. Seems like any movement at all as in standing my pulse is 90-100 a min. Resting around 72-84 lately.

Heart worries suck. I had chest pains today as usual. But trying to not let it bother me.