View Full Version : Eye freckle help!!!

14-02-17, 16:50
Went to regular eye doc appointment and was told I have an eye freckle in the back of my eye , he says it's benign and odds of changing into melanoma are like 1 in 10,000. But I'm still very anxious , anyone with some calming words or experiences? It would be greatly appreciated!!!

15-02-17, 00:30
I know a keen gambler, and he considers 1 in 10 to be long odds!

09-03-17, 02:48

In new here, after years of managing my anxiety its totally ramped up again as my optician just informed me i have a freckle on my eye too.

09-03-17, 09:43
I've got an eye freckle and was having some anxiety related blurred vision. The very hyper vigilant and new optician referred me to the eye hospital, which was a bit much! The consultant took one look and said 'it's fine, no need to see you again ever'. At the time of course I was mega-worried but since then my HA moved on to something else. Honestly, it's fine, this is not something to lose time worrying over!

09-03-17, 10:02
Hi, I have a little freckle been there for years & thought nothing of it, luckily enough cos have enough things to worry about! xx