View Full Version : Blood when peeing

14-02-17, 19:51
Hi I dont know if any ladies can help me as ive gotten myself into a panic

The last few days ive had some nasty brown vaginal discharge in my underwear. I put it down to old blood from my last period. (Im not due for 10 more days) i just went for a wee, nothing in the toilet but when I wiped there was watery blood. I know for a fact im not pregnant and on no birth control. Had a smear in oct and that was fine. Perfect time for it to happen at night when there is no one to call. Im super stressed out atm and this has just made me burst into tears its always 1 thing after another

14-02-17, 20:25
The first thing you have to determine is whether it is in the urine or in your vagina. You may want to insert a clean q tip and see if blood comes out. If this was blood in your urine and a bladder infection, you would most likely have urgency and pain. Kidney stones can also cause blood but again, you would very likely have pain. The fact that it's been on your underwear sounds more like vaginal but if you can see a doctor to make sure, that would be good. Blood when your period is long over can be a sign of something going on. Check it out.

15-02-17, 13:41
Hi again

The blood seems to of stopped i have been left with a dull ache in my lower abdomen and its a little stingey when i pee which is making me think UTI. Anyways called my docs and the closest app they've given me is march 1st which is helpful. (Not) even though its stopped i thought i better get checked still. Is it on my side that ive had a recent smear?

Im in abit of a rut now as i cant see anyone for two weeks :(

15-02-17, 14:19
Totally sounds like a UTI. Can you go to an urgent care? It's a simple test.....GL!

16-02-17, 20:32
Totally sounds like a UTI. Can you go to an urgent care? It's a simple test.....GL!

We have urgent care but tbh all they deal with are broken bones itd pretty usless to be honest unless you do indeed have a broken bone.

Sorry if this is tmi but me and my boyfriend slept with eachother last night after i went to pee and there were two tiny clots on the paper. There was no blood elsewhere and it didnt happen again after. Of course if you google bleeding after sex the dreaded C came up my smear was clear in october so would the chances of this be low? Im trying to google as little as i can as it only makes matters worse :(

I cant believe i have to wait two weeks for an app and ill be scared to have sex now incase it happens again but i do also want to just to see if it happens again

I just wanna know if anyone has expierenced this and nothings come of it?

16-02-17, 20:37
Bleeding after sex is most likely a simple infection. A course of antibiotics will clear it right up :)
It is true that our first thoughts are the dreaded C but that's only because it's drilled into us from a young age that it's a bad sign (like breast lumps!) when in reality there are a million and one other (harmless!) things it could be :)

Is there any way to contact your doctor and ask for an earlier appointment? Explain your anxieties and they may be able to bump you to an earlier time

16-02-17, 20:39
Most doctors surgeries in the UK offer same-day appointments if you contact them first thing in the morning as there are usually cancellations. Have you tried this?

Also, if you went to urgent care, they couldn't just turn you away. They'd have to take you seriously. I'm not saying I think you need to go - just that it's an option for you.

16-02-17, 20:50
Most doctors surgeries in the UK offer same-day appointments if you contact them first thing in the morning as there are usually cancellations. Have you tried this?

Also, if you went to urgent care, they couldn't just turn you away. They'd have to take you seriously. I'm not saying I think you need to go - just that it's an option for you.

My gp is terrible there is one doctor in the practice with a few that come and go. People actually line up daily from about 7am and i am not able to do that i work in London and leave home at that time.

Our urgent care does indeed turn people away my dad has been turned away for infected bug bites as well as other problems

---------- Post added at 20:50 ---------- Previous post was at 20:46 ----------

Bleeding after sex is most likely a simple infection. A course of antibiotics will clear it right up :)
It is true that our first thoughts are the dreaded C but that's only because it's drilled into us from a young age that it's a bad sign (like breast lumps!) when in reality there are a million and one other (harmless!) things it could be :)

Is there any way to contact your doctor and ask for an earlier appointment? Explain your anxieties and they may be able to bump you to an earlier time

I think i know deep down i know its nothing sinister it would be the worst luck if it was considering a recent clear smear. I am due my period in about 8 days so i was also wondering if it could be related to ovulation. Like i said below our gp here is useless theres only 1 regular doctor and a couple that are there part time. People go and actually line up to book an app from 7 in the morning as the phone lines are always jamed :(

16-02-17, 21:04
Have you tried D mannose from the healthfood store? it works for uti's that are e coli related

16-02-17, 23:14
What about a private GP?
Or a pharmacist? (Think you can get kits for testing for UTI?)

...if you were struck down with a bug you would have to have time off work, can you not treat this as the sane thing and have a morning off sick whilst you queue for dr appt?

17-02-17, 01:01
I would recommend determining whether the blood is coming from your vagina or from your urethra, before you do anything. Put a tampon in and wear it for a couple of hours.
If the blood is vaginal, you're probably just having a wonky period this cycle.
If the blood is actually coming out with your urine, then it's almost undoubtedly a UTI, and you should see a doctor and get some antibiotics. Left untreated, UTIs can turn into kidney infections, which are very painful.

Best wishes!