View Full Version : Heart attack fears - pls help

14-02-17, 20:23
I need some help, please.

I am under a tremendous amount of stress in my life. I have a history of heart palpitations (20K/day) that started a couple years ago when this stress started. I had extensive tests, palps were ruled benign. I've seen the cardio many times since then when I've panicked and wanted reassurance - the cardio reiterates I am okay. I haven't seen the cardio for a year (yay me). I have an appointment tomorrow for my annual check up but also because my palps have increased again. I've also been having some chest pain. So I'm freaking out that I'm about to have a heart attack or maybe already had one. I know this isn't probable. When I scheduled the appointment with the nurse and mentioned the stress and increased palps, the nurse (unhelpfully) told me that "stress can cause heart attacks even with no history of heart issues." I know this is true, it didn't help to hear it, and I also know that I *need* to reduce my stress. I don't know how, though. The stress is at home, and I can't get away from it.

I'm scared. I don't want to die or have health problems and leave my child. I'm 45yo. How do I reduce my stress? I'm scared, and I'm mad at myself for seeking reassurance because I've been pretty on top of my HA recently. I just know this stress is hurting me... and this stress in fact caused my palps to begin a couple years ago. I'm not even sure what I'm asking here, so thank you for any support.

14-02-17, 20:38
I just wanted to let you know you are not alone. I'm having daily palpitations and am currently undergoing some basic testing. I noticed my palps increase during times of stress. I'm so afraid of leaving my little one without a mom :( I'm constantly panicking. Have you tried any meds?

14-02-17, 20:41
I'm sorry you're suffering too. I appreciate your reaching out. I haven't tried heart meds. I have taken ativan once in a while which does help, but not lately. I'm heading out on a walk to try to calm down. Have you tried any meds?

bin tenn
14-02-17, 23:54
A beta blocker perhaps? I'm on one (Atenolol 25mg 1x daily) and it helps tremendously.

How to reduce stress at home? Well, sometimes you can reduce/eliminate the source of stress - that's nice. But sometimes you can't, and at that point all you can do is change how you react to the source of the stress. Instead of reacting negatively, with stress, take it all in, take some slow, deep breaths, and take care of whatever you need to take care of.

15-02-17, 00:24
I have a history of heart palpitations (20K/day) that started a couple years ago when this stress started.

20K per day? Documented? I ask because how can one actually count that many? That's actually around 20% of the time based on the average BPM.

Positive thoughts

15-02-17, 02:19
Fish- Yes, documented through holters. Started a couple years ago. That's why I don't have a lot of patience for people who freak out over 1-2 palps lol. I saw both a cardio and an electrophysiologist - both assured me I am safe and they are benign.

Bin - Unfortunately I can't eliminate the source of the stress. I need to figure out something though.

I appreciate hearing from both of you. I'm not in a good place and need more support.

15-02-17, 06:00
I just got back from ER and told I'm fine again. Went for chest pains that I have been having fit 3 weeks off and on. He said my blood work numbers look great.

15-02-17, 13:12
Hi, I was just to post a thread about heart attacks right before I saw your post, so your not alone in this particular fear. You can't let fear win, everyone gets scared, dont let your mind control you, just carry on or you wont be able to live your life happily.

I woke up this morning was on my phone lying on my bed, then all of a sudden had a slight pressure on my heart area with a stinging pain which kept increasing as I breathed in, the pain went as soon as I sat up, im really trying hard not to google it, thinking of going to the doctors later though just to be on the safe side because I have been eating burger and chips every day continuously for 2 weeks.

15-02-17, 13:25
I know how you all feel. The palps suck and I wish I wasn't afraid of them. I just had an echo of my heart and thankfully the results were normal. I turn in my 24 holtor monitor today.. some people get to wear them longer, so what happens next time I have a run of palps and I'm not wearing a holtor? Do I request another one? Ughhh.

15-02-17, 13:31
You don't specify what the stresses are that are contributing to increased palps.
Depending on the situation, there are ways to reduce stress and sometimes, there's no avoiding it but still, there are ways to help cope.

I'm sure all will be well at the docs....

Positive thoughts

19-02-17, 15:04
I went to the cardio and expected him to say "you're totally fine." Instead he said im likely fine but suggested that I get another stress test since it's been 4 years since my last one. So that will be on Tuesday. I appreciate that he's thorough but am nervous. He did a one-minute EKG which he said was normal but did show 2 palps. I asked if I needed bloodwork and he said no. (I have a recovering knee injury which will make the stress test challenging so I actually called my cardio after our appt to clarify if he thinks I really need a stress test or if it's mostly to assuage my anxiety. The nurse asked him and reported back that it's ok not to get the stress test of it will bother my knee... so I assume he doesn't think it's critical?)

** The strangest thing is that I developed jaw pain yesterday. I woke up with it. That seems to be a possible indicator of a heart attack for women so honestly I'm kind of freaking out. I also have TMJ so am telling myself I likely just had a bad bout of clenching and grinding overnight but there is a niggling fear. I took a couple Advil but it didn't help. It's mostly on lower left side but also on right. Does the normal EKG likely mean the jaw pain is not a heart attack? I don't really know that the EKG shows or doesn't show.

This is where I'm not sure which voice to listen to... should I go to ER or is that my HA talking? I honestly don't have the time or energy to go to the ER. There is so much on my plate right now. I also don't want to risk my health since I have a lot of other people who need me to be ok. Thanks.

bin tenn
19-02-17, 18:08
If you were having a heart attack during an EKG I think chances are very good the EKG would show obvious signs. I've awakened with jaw pain many times - not a big deal. I also clench and grind my teeth, and I believe I also have TMJ disorder - factors for jaw pain. You're fine.