View Full Version : Health anxiety sufferer

14-02-17, 23:34
Hi everyone

I am new here and I'm really looking for some advice from fellow sufferers!

I was diagnosed by my gp about 7/8 years ago with a bit of PTSD and OCD due to a violent relationship break up, this came about because I was attending the surgery couple of times a week convinced I was having heart attacks! I was suffering so bad I wasn't sleeping I was scared to sleep incase my heart stopped beating in my sleep the pain I experienced was excruciating and the palpitations were horrendous. I became obsessed with checking my pulse which I done around every two minutes a day even when talking to ppl, driving my car and working etc . I eventually had abut 8 sessions with a counsellor for CBT and I was eventually completely over it. Over the years it has tried to creep back a number of times but I always managed to fight it off.. however... since my second child in June I am drowning in worrying thoughts again. The past three months have been the worst. I cry most nights. After I have built myself up all day googling every ache pain and bump I find on my body that day! I am off on mat leave at the moment but back to work in four weeks. My plan in my head was that this will go when I return back to work and have no time to think about all my worries but I'm not sure whether I should seek help before then 🤔And I was wondering if anyone has ever been in same position!

I fear that by starting going to see my doctor I will become obsessed again like I was before... I also don't know what pains are real and what are in my head!

14-02-17, 23:46
Scarily this sounds absolutely identical to me (even the break up from a violent relationship) and I'm driving my current partner nuts. I've had 5 ecgs only one came back abnormal and they're gonna do further testing (doctor said she'd be extremely shocked if there ended up being something wrong). I check my pulse a good 6 times a day at the moment, I'm trying to stop googling and checking it. I panic if it's above 80 and it's got so bad I'm doing it whilst I'm walking in public. My only advice I can give you is to put down Google, get your fingers off of your pulse and you're not alone. If you was sick you would know about it that's what my partner keeps telling me. Are you taking anything? I've had the same on and off for years when I was put on Prozac 20mg I didn't do it for the whole duration it's only been since I've come off. If you're willing it could be a good idea for medication if you're not already on it if you feel you need that extra help! Stay strong believe me you're not the only one and you've got this!

14-02-17, 23:58
Thank you for your reply! It's so comforting to know I am not alone! First time round dr said I had delayed reaction to the things that had gone on in my relationship which I understood but all these years later it's happening again although not with the pulse thing I managed to stop that I am now obsessed with cancer! I had a 'fatty' lump in my breast when I was in early 20's I have never given it a thought until now after my last baby became obsessed with it! I'm obsessing over checking things now like this lump other lumps I've had checked and found new veins to obsess over which from googling I have now found can be more visible when your stressed so I guess I need to stop stressing and see if that can help that situation :( it's just a big circle of anxiety!

I haven't considered medication but also haven't attended my dr on this occasion yet! Google really is the devil in my life! I drive my family mad with my constant need for reassurance then they will say 'well go the the doctor then' then this adds to my anxiety more as I think OMG they think something's wrong with me to 😳

I just wish it would disappear. I think I've had anxiety since I was 5 years old ...... nightmare!

Hope you start feeling better soon! I got over the pulse thing so you will too 😊

15-02-17, 00:18
Weird my post didn't post. If you need reassurance go and see a doctor. For us with health anxiety I would say the best cure is professional reassurance then it will go to the back of your mind and hopefully not effect your life anymore. I need to stop whilst I'm ahead as I'm not even 20 yet (will be in 2 weeks)! Personally the medication and therapy saved my life for years so if it's having a big impact on your everyday life what's the harm in checking trust me! With the veins if sounds just like me the other day asking my partner, it's insane how we can all share such similar concerns. I went onto google it and everything! Just think also if you had something very wrong with you, you would definitely be in a crippling condition as my partner always tells me I'd bloody know about it. But definitely get reassurance if your concerns continue. If you ever want a chat drop me a message as I'm pretty much exactly the same it's crazy. Honestly I feel you I was diagnosed with GAD at 8 and it progressed from there. Best wishes:hugs:

15-02-17, 00:34
I think I will go to doc only way this will get a little better Fingers crossed!

Well I'm 31 now and still suffer so I hope you get it sorted soon it wasted a good few years of my 20's :( We do sound so similar and my husband says exact same to me as your partner... he's getting annoyed with me so much so I think I am like the girl who cried wolf 😞

Thanks for your words and the chat 👍🏻

Best wishes too you also x