View Full Version : Traveling Anxiety

15-02-17, 01:46
In July of last year, I experienced a severe panic attack while driving to a destination about an hour away with my friend. Prior to this, I was able to go the distance for anywhere I wanted to go- driving two hours at night to the middle of PA, anywhere. Now, it has debilitated me from going to far places alone or without specific people.

I can't stand crying anymore, I felt sorry for myself because any person deserves to go wherever they please to get outside of themselves, to experience something new. Now.. I have had those opportunities taken away from me by a deep fear that if I travel somewhere, I am too far from home to feel safe. Even if I overcame panic, what has happened is I allow the anxiety to effect me for almost 8 months after the event. I am a little bit more prepared since going into therapy, being on meds and etc.

I have recently been involved in a long distance relationship, I live in NJ and him, MA. I plan on taking a bus to stay a while with him which is only a four hour bus ride. At first, I was already anxious and eventually that grew into frustration and just yesterday the inner voice confronted my anxiety and I thought "I don't care what you feel, I am doing this for me regardless of what happens and all I can do is prepare." I am prescribed Xanax (.25 mg.), I have a playlist ready and I am reading two books on caring for anxiety. Honestly though, I just want to say that while I sound prepared, this is a big deal. A really huge step in my life. I have had severe anxiety for two years which turned into agoraphobia. I am trying... I think. I just need some words of encouragement to keep in mind while on my travel if needed.

Thank you guys,

Clydesdale Epona
15-02-17, 10:23
Hello there Juniper :)
I'm so glad you're giving it a short and I know that you can do it! I recently had an 8 road trip(4 there and 4 back) and it was actually rather fun, give some meditation a try, put your tunes on, breathe deep and steady and just watch the scenery go by.
it is a huge step and I'm proud that you're trying x

All the best :hugs: