View Full Version : Final Follow Up From Doctor

15-02-17, 14:26
So I guess this all started in December when I noticed a slightly enlarged lymph node with a subsequent lymph node chain running down the back of my neck. We had just done our blood cancer unit in school - so naturally freaking out and googled like there was no tomorrow. Begged my professors to feel them and give me advice.

Saw a PA who was not worried, did some blood work and said I had mono once and it's most likely left over (Whaaat? I would have remembered having mono. that tricky EBV virus).

Fast forward, started getting this chest pain that was excruciating at times. It would hurt when I'm laying down, when I was carrying something heavy especially on my left side. Waited 2 weeks, thinking it was my gastric reflux acting up again(started taking omeprazole). Started worrying it was cardiac or lungs, or had to with my self-convinced non-diagnosed lymphoma so I went to urgent care. EKG and chest x-ray were clear - they agreed probably my stomach but follow up. I'm still freaking out at this point.

Made a follow up - crying to the doctor basically worried that I'm doing this to myself because of my anxiety and because i just KNOW i have lymphoma. Basically gives me good news and bad news: "Good news, you're not making this up, bad news is your not making this up." Lymph nodes everywhere.

Long story short, all lymph nodes are down except the back of my neck ones, which are bilateral and chronic. This is not concerning to the doctor AT ALL.

And I've been diagnosed with costochrondritis. My chest cartilage is inflamed and will act up likely until well into my 30s. Oh man, what a joy.

Not sure if anyone cared or followed, but just wanted to share. (:

15-02-17, 14:34
How do you feel with this information? Is it comforting to you to know exactly what you are dealing with, and maybe more importantly what you are not?

15-02-17, 14:36
Happy endings are always a good thing. The key is to make this a happy beginning so you don't allow your anxiety to drag you into the cesspool of needless worry again ;)

Positive thoughts

15-02-17, 15:12
How do you feel with this information? Is it comforting to you to know exactly what you are dealing with, and maybe more importantly what you are not?

It is comforting knowing my pain is musculoskeletal and almost comforting in a way that there was something wrong in the sense that it wasn't my anxiety causing the chest pain.

I'll still feel the need to run my hands down the back of my neck to make sure they haven't grown every once in a while, but the major anxiety has calmed down for sure.

And thanks everyone, I'm hoping I'll feel comfortable for a while now that I will most likely live a long and healthy life with maybe a few bumps along the way. I know health anxiety typically can never truly disappear - but at least I feel comfortable that there is nothing wrong with my right now at this moment!