View Full Version : Should I be worried??

15-02-17, 18:33
For a little over a year maybe two I've been getting muscle twitches everywhere sometimes my leg, sometimes my arm, eyelid,tongue even when I lay down sometimes the trunk of my body jerks this doesn't happen as much as the twitching tho when they first started twitching was after my first full blown panic attack I thought I had als or something but as time passed I've just tried to keep calm and not really think about it since there no pain involved it's more annoying than anything
But now once again I'm freaking out because I stumbled onto a site that people said taking the antibiotic cipro ruined there life
They have twitching
Some of them have muscular problem, even some in a wheelchair or bed bound
Some of them now have heart problems
Brain and autoimmune problems
And a few years back probably going on 4 I had constant Uti's and that's what I was perscribed I must have taken a few full doses as I didn't have any symtoms then or any crazy side effects initially and never thought twice about it
Now i find myself freaking out because I have muscle twitching and some of the things that go along with it but I find it hard to believe it would pop up two years after I ever even took the perscription I dunno
I guess I'm just venting because I don't want to annoy everyone around me with another doctor google diagnosis.
Just wish I could live my life and not worry about theses stupid things

15-02-17, 18:50
Hey there.

I actually was in a similar situation (lots of utis in a short period of time and I was perscribed cipro on a few occasions). I know now that it's a black box medication which I didn't know back in the day, but that was like 5 years ago. I've been having muscle twitches for a year and a half now and I didn't even put that together, lol. The effects I would assume would happen a lot faster (like during the medication being in the system or shortly after) not a few years down the line.

Keep in mind that when people get sick or have issues, they try to find the "root cause" of what could have happened to trigger the illness. Sometimes there just isn't a trigger. That's why "personal stories" are not medically accurate, because you're looking at someone's opinion and not a clinical summary.

My opinion? Get off google. If the cipro messed with you, it would have messed with you a lot sooner than this. And take the things you read online with a grain of salt.