View Full Version : Hilarious health anxiety blip..

15-02-17, 20:25
Soooooo some of you may know that I had a worry with petechiae recently(tiny red pin prick dots) and had a few apps/tests over them. Doctor basically said absolutely nothing to worry about, only come back if they're appearing in their hundreds all over..

Anyway i just sat down after making a lovely tea, in my peripheral vision noticed something on my hand, in true health anxiety style the whole world froze for a moment whilst I went into hyper focus.
OMG WHAT IS HAPPENING! I thought whilst staring at atleast 20 new petechiae dots on my hand. Heart started racing, mind went into overdrive thinking of all sorts what could be happening to me. I plucked up the courage, yes courage, to touch them, OMG they're not coming off, it's definitely petechiae :weep:

Meanwhile my partner, sat next to me the whole time watching me stare at my hand and seeing my wide eyes and over thinking face begrudgingly asks "What is it?"
After telling him I have an outbreak of petechiae and how i couldn't believe this is happening, he grabs my hand, licks his thumb and proceeds to WIPE my 'petechiae' away...

"Yes, it's Cayenne pepper, you have Pepperchiae" he says before we both burst out in hysterics!!!!

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Cayenne pepper very much stuck to my hand from cooking hahahaha that 60 seconds of fear, anxiety, tension, all over absolutely nothing. Pepper. Brilliant.

15-02-17, 20:42
That's pretty funny! We've all definitely been there too!

15-02-17, 20:43
That's pretty funny! We've all definitely been there too!

It's so embarrassing but had to be shared :roflmao:

15-02-17, 20:48
Haha its the kind of thing I'd do.

15-02-17, 20:48
A sure sign of healing is being able to laugh at your own absurdity ;) Funny stuff there KP.

Positive thoughts

15-02-17, 20:56
I honestly can't wait to tell my GP this it will make his day for sure!

A sure sign of healing is being able to laugh at your own absurdity Funny stuff there KP.

Indeed and absurd it was! Hope all is well as can be with you & yours x

15-02-17, 21:06

I was sitting in the waiting room of a Dr office reading some medical crap on my phone and got to one symptom, then another and another, FINALLY ALL OF MY SYMPTOMS I HAVE A DIAGNOSIS!!!!!

if only I had ovaries. :doh:

16-02-17, 00:07
lol been there, done that. It was a red crayon mark that rubbed off XDDD